The holidays are the perfect time to bond with friends and family. People host a lot of parties during this season, so you need to be prepared. You want to be sure that you can make as many parties as possible without sacrificing in the other areas of life. Here are some tips to help you prepare for holiday parties.

1. Plan babysitters early

You know that you will need babysitters during this time. Look at your schedule and do everything you can to get the babysitters lined up in advance. While planning, choose someone who has always been reliable in the past. You should also have a couple of backup babysitters ready for if things fall through at the last minute.

2. Prepare for the alcohol

Most holiday parties involve drinking. Since you're not getting any younger, you can't handle the liquor like you could in your 20s, but you also don't want to skip on the drinking altogether. Strike a compromise by preparing a hangover survival kit before going out. It should contain things like pain reliever, bottled water, mouthwash, eye cream, and even a power bar. In the event of waking up with a hangover, you'll be prepared to keep going the next day. Make sure you also have a ride lined up. Cops are extra diligent about pulling people over at this time of year because of all of the parties.

3. Have host gifts ready

It's rather rude to show up to a party empty-handed, especially a holiday party! Go shopping for things you can use as gifts for the host. Popular items include wine, candles, ornaments, or dessert. Anything Christmas-themed is a good idea. If you get the gifts well in advance, you'll simply have to pick one of the items to bring with you on the way to the party. Don't forget to put a bow on it for good measure. It doesn't have to be fancy, but a gift shows your appreciation for the invite and your holiday spirit.

4. Up the exercise routine

This is the season of parties, and it's also the season of extra calories. Holiday parties have sugary drinks and tons of sweets. You can resist all you want, but, inevitably, you'll give in. You don't want to look extra big in the holiday pictures, so be sure to double up on regular exercise around this time. If you go to the gym twice a week, go four times instead. Your body will thank you.

5. Get the outfits ready

All of the holiday parties means that you need to switch from day to night more often than usual. Plan your holiday outfits in advance so that you can get ready in record time. This will give you more time to spend with the kids before you leave. Also, you know that there will be at least one ugly sweater party, so get your ugly sweater before the season starts so you have it.

Holiday parties are a lot of fun! Take part in all of the activities, but be ready for the chaos that comes with the season. These tips will help.