Some people find driving easy. They are rather gifted, not to mention privileged enough to own a car and learn from their close relatives and friends. It is, however, a problem for most people. The fact that countless accidents and injuries occur on the roads, many develop the notion of fear.

It is also a fact that not everyone can drive well. There are those considered as road hazards, who are aggressive drivers practicing unsafe driving behaviors. Some are unaware of the proper etiquette of driving, or they simply do not pay attention. You must not take behaviors like these lightly, for they are the likely reasons why vehicle crashes and injuries have become a societal problem at present.

With the advent of technology, driving has evolved as an essential skill to master that helps in finishing day to day activities. It is not just a teenager's whims and wants anymore, but rather a necessity. Equipping oneself with the basic attitude when in control of the steering wheel is the first step to avoid the dangers they might encounter down the road. 

Of course, when in a driving school or with any personal trainers, they are taught and shown how to develop these driving skills as they go along the process. Are you considering learning how to drive this year? Here are some vital skills you might want to put in mind before, during, and after enrolling in a driving school.

Don't Let Your Mind Wander

In other words, stay focused and alert. You must devote yourself to driving like how you concentrate on that sheet of paper for a final exam. In that scenario, finals could make or break the student's potential to graduate. Therefore, he must focus on choosing the right circle to shade. 

During a test, you think about many things: what you have studied the night before, comprehending the instructions, writing your chosen answers, among others. Driving is similar in this sense. It seems to be an arduous task that involves a lot of thinking: checking for road conditions, following traffic signals and directions, observing rules and regulations, and so on. 

Not allowing distractions to hamper your focus is a must-have skill. This skill is usually established as you are being trained in driving schools or by personal trainers. The V.I.P Driving School, a driving school in melbourne, offers professional services by qualified instructors who would likewise help you become better and responsible drivers in the future.

Defense, Not Offense

Defensive driving is described as being aware of the possible dangers posed by irresponsible drivers, and techniques associated with it help reduce vehicle collisions and traffic violations.  Being able to anticipate other road users' actions and bad weather allows you to protect yourself through planning and taking appropriate actions ahead. Take note of road etiquettes, too.

Similarly, you have to make your intentions clear to other drivers by signaling and ensuring that you used the right signal, which serves as the vehicles' language. This kind of communication fosters an environment that respects and values each other's lives.

Be Confident But Not Too Much

Being behind the wheel equates to accountability. With this in mind, you have to ensure that you are in excellent condition to drive and always have your mood in-check. Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is a big no-no as this might arouse or dampen certain emotions. If this happens, it will likely affect sound decision-making, deteriorate alertness, and slow coordination, which all lead to road accidents.

Learning how to drive requires courage, confidence, and familiarity with the road but do not let these emotions affect your judgment. As they say, having everything is okay, but too much of it becomes detrimental. 

Know the Function of the Buttons

This is just basic common sense. As much as the skills mentioned above are important, you must also not forget how to operate your own car, or the car you are driving, in general. Make sure that you go through its manual and understand its mechanics, noting what to do and what not to do. This way, you will be able to safely control it.

Getting comfortable with your car's organization and equipment before hitting the road adds confidence and guarantees your safety.

Above all, Safety First

Recent analyses on road safety reports that traffic accidents result in the deaths of about 1.35 million people globally each year. With this figure alone, it is enough to remind you to drive safely if you still want to live. Always remember to wear your seatbelt, lock your doors, and follow the rules and regulations.

Safety should never be taken for granted. In all its essence, it does not only secure your future but also serves as your lifeline.


Learning how to drive is one skill, but having the appropriate behavior is most crucial when it comes to driving safely and responsibly. The mastery of these skills benefits not only you but your co-drivers, passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, even pets, as well.