With so many different beauty schools available nationwide, it's easy to be a little bit confused about which ones might be the best for your needs. That's why it's such a good idea to look at beauty schools from a number of different states and areas. When you're on the hunt for the right beauty school, here are a couple of beauty schools to keep in mind.

Academy of Hair Design (Nevada)

Las Vegas is well-known for being a booming location for industry, and the Academy of Hair Design in Las Vegas is delivering a new type of industry to its students. At the Academy of Hair Design, you can learn cosmetology, hair design, esthetics and nail technology, all great opportunities if you're looking to start your journey toward a cosmetology career.

You can learn more at AHDVegas.com.

New England School of Hair Design (New Hampshire)

The stated goal of New England School of Hair Design is to make sure you really get a great education when you complete your training through the school. It's not enough that you just graduate; the school wants to know that you've grown. You can go through programs in cosmetology, manicuring and teacher training.

You can learn more at NESchoolofHairDesign.com.

Tricoci University of Beauty Culture (Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin)

Of all the colleges on this list, Tricoci University of Beauty Culture is probably the most expansive. It offers sixteen campuses across three states, with many of them centering around economic areas like Chicago. Depending on the location you're planning to attend, you may be able to go through programs that teach cosmetology, esthetics, barbering, nail technology or beauty education.

You can learn more at TricociUniversity.edu.

Chris' Beauty College (Mississippi)

For decades, Chris' Beauty College has been providing high-quality cosmetology education to Mississippi residents who want to turn their natural talents into a career. Through Chris' Beauty College, you can take a cosmetology course, manicuring course, barbering program or instructor course, depending on what you're hoping to do as a career.

You can learn more at ChrisBeautyCollege.edu.

Evergreen Beauty College (Washington)

With five locations ranging across Washington, including locations based around Seattle, Evergreen Beauty College makes it easy for you to get your cosmetology education in Washington. Plus, it has a huge variety of programs, including cosmetology, hair design, barbering, esthetics, nail technology, makeup artistry and instructor training, making it a great opportunity for all kinds of cosmetologists.

You can learn more at EvergreenBeauty.edu.

Louisville Beauty Academy (Kentucky)

Kentucky has its fair share of aspiring cosmetologists spread out all across the state, and Louisville, the largest city in Kentucky, is one of the biggest places for students to start spreading their wings. Through Louisville Beauty Academy, you can learn cosmetology, esthetics, nail technology and cosmetology instruction, depending on your unique desires.

You can learn more at LouisvilleBeautyAcademy.net.


With so many high-quality beauty schools available, there's only one question: Which one do you want to attend? These beauty schools all offer a great education in different areas of the country, so you may want to talk to a number of schools in the same geographic location you're thinking about moving to for your career.