As a photographer you have a wide selection of styles to explore, of which you can find a favourite to specialise within. When starting out, it is great to learn and practice a variety of styles of photography. This will help to build your skills as a photographer and kick start your photography career. Here, online photo sharing site, Clickasnap, have picked out some of the styles of photography for you to try. With some handy tips to help you practice.

Fashion Photography 

Fashion photography allows you to explore your creativity by shooting images which display clothing and other fashion items, like jewellery and handbags. Usually paying clients will be fashion brands looking for a photographer who can shoot their garments in the best light and at unique angles to sell their products. These images are typically published online across fashion blogs, magazines, news forums, and social media. To practice fashion photography, explore shooting with models at various angles in a variety of locations.  With fashion photography you can be adventurous with lighting and backgrounds. 

Music Photography 

Photographers who specialise in music photography focus on capturing images of artists and bands. These images are usually used for commercial purposes both for the band and the venue.  Published in articles for music and entertainment magazines, as part of PR, album covers, and merchandise for the bands and artists. 

This is an exciting style of photography, particularly for music lovers, as you can work with a range of clients, whilst experiencing the music live. 

Architectural Photography 

Buildings and built structures, both the exterior and interior, are at the centre of architectural photography. Focusing on the design and structure. This can include skyscrapers, warehouses, houses, churches, and bridges. Lighting is typically a photographer friend or foe when it comes to architectural photography. When hoping to develop your skills with your lens and lighting, this is a great style to explore. With this you can incorporate new equipment into the mix, including a tripod or panoramic lenses. If you choose architectural photography as your preferred style, your skills will be desired by architects, letting agencies, designers and more, adding value to your hobby. 

Product Photography 

Still life product photography can be both artistic and commercial. It is a great skill to develop as many companies will require the services of a professional photographer to take product images for their website and promotional campaigns. Alternatively learning product photography or still life photography (images of inanimate objects) can also be popular as stock photography, where you will be able to make money from downloads. With product photography you will not have to adjust to working with models, instead learning the best lighting and angles to enhance the look of the product. 

Sports Photography 

Sports photography captures the excitement and passion of sports men and women, as well as the enthusiasm of fans and crowds. Sports photography requires the ability to capture a shot quickly, as targets will be moving at speed. A great way to gain some experience is to attend local sports club and acquire the permission of coaches and athletes to photograph them during practice. Eventually building your portfolio, you may find yourself working for sports publications, capturing the action at major sporting events like cup finals. Sports photographers will usually be seen walking around the pitch or court with a long lens, allowing the perfect zoom.