It seems like all the talks about PopCap Games releasing Plants vs. Zombies 2 on Android were false, and gamers are still waiting for the game publishers to drop the game to non-Apple users.

Android users were dismayed to find out that all the reports about PvZ2 being finally launched on Android were not true. We recently reported that several gaming websites have announced that the sequel to the smash hit mobile game is already available for download on Google Play. However, comments from readers say that the link didn't allow gamers to download the game in the U.S.

Plants vs. Zombies 2 was initially released on iOS for Free in August. Shortly after, in September, developers launched the game to Android users in Australia and New Zealand. Several other reports say the game has already made its way to Android gamers in China. However, the rest of the world is still waiting.

Recent rumors have swirled that the game has also dropped in the U.K. However, notes that PopCap Games' Senior Director of Worldwide PR has confirmed that the reports are "a hoax." The site said that the PopCap director has been answering queries on several online forums about the release date, and has stressed that PvZ2 will be released worldwide "very soon."

Plants vs. Zombies 2's official Twitter account has also been actively answering questions about the global Android release for the game.

Just today, the account has replied to several tweets about the matter already, telling users to keep following the account and to "stay tuned for announcements."

"Nothing new to announce at the moment, please keep checking back with us here. ^WalterMellon," the account replied to one tweet.

This is not the first time that an application has been released to Android much later than the iOS. As of current, the Grand Theft Auto 5 companion app, GTA: iFruit, is still awaiting an official release for the Google-based OS.