Miley Cyrus: 'Hannah Montana' Probably Caused Body Dysmorphia
Miley Cyrus has not been shy about making fun of her "Hannah Montana" days, but in her recent interview with Marie Claire, the singer shared details about her personal struggle while playing the famous Disney character.
According to ET Online, the star, who reposted a video from the photo shoot that the magazine shared on Instagram, explained that her time on the show caused her to have body issues because of all the unrealistic expectations on young girls.
A video posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on Aug 14, 2015 at 9:03am PDT
"From the time I was 11, it was, 'You're a pop star! That means you have to be blonde, and you have to have long hair, and you have to put on some glittery tight thing,'" Cyrus told the magazine. "Meanwhile, I'm this fragile little girl playing a 16-year-old in a wig and a ton of makeup. It was like 'Toddlers & Tiaras.'"
Cyrus may be confident in her own skin now, but she also told magazine that being Hannah Montana left her very confused about who she was and how she was supposed to look.
"I was made to look like someone that I wasn't, which probably caused some body dysmorphia because I had been made pretty every day for so long, and then when I wasn't on that show, it was like, Who the f*ck am I?" said the 22-year-old, who also said she had anxiety attacks from the pressure.
Cyrus also touched upon the obsession with photoshopping and the effect it has on girls, reported Just Jared.
"When you look at retouched, perfect photos, you feel like shit. They lighten black girls' skin. They smooth out wrinkles. Even when I get stuck on Instagram wondering, 'Why don't I look like that?' it's a total bummer. It's crazy what people have decided we're all supposed to be," she added.
In the interview, the singer also criticized fellow singer Taylor Swift, for promoting violence in her "Bad Blood" music video, reported Entertainment Weekly.
"I don't get the violence revenge thing," said Cyrus. "That's supposed to be a good example? And I'm a bad role model because I'm running around with my t*ts out? I'm not sure how t*ts are worse than guns."
However, the comments may be hypocritical, since Cyrus can be spotted holding up a gun to the camera and to Zoe Kravitz's head in a video for a song by musical act LOLAWOLF.
Check out the LOLAWOLF video featuring Cyrus below.
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