Earlier this month, footage from a Virgin Atlantic plane's takeoff from New York's JFK airport was released. In the video, an unknown object appears to overtake the plane at a high rate of speed.

The footage was taken by a plane enthusiast on July 7 and now some are wondering if the object is an extraterrestrial spacecraft, Daily Mail reports.

After discovering the video, Rick from LookNowTV is convinced that the object the plane enthusiast saw is a UFO.

"The person that saw this UFO at JFK films planes often and looks to catch UFOs on video," he says.

"I even try to film UFOs myself often. Planning on a UFO hunt in NYC soon to hopefully air on LookNowTV. I thought this one doesn't look like a bug or another plane in the background."

"I have no reason to believe this guy is a hoax. It's really unidentified," he continued.

"I shared it with my friends to get further opinions on it, and we could not come to a definitive conclusion on what the object might be so I decided to go with it and share it online."

One skeptic is not convinced though. British UFO expert Ross Kellett says the object could be anything, but doubts it is a UFO.

"It seems to get narrower and wider as it's moving, it's hard to say. I always send footage to an expert to image enhancement as it looks good but unfortunately it could be anything.

"There should be nothing getting that close to an aircraft. It doesn't look to be a bird or anything like that but at a different angle it could be anything. You can believe in UFOs and be logical about images as well.

"It comes behind from the [plane's] tail, you can tell it's behind but it does move sort of like a bird, when something's moving when the wings are flapping. If it's moving away, it will give that appearance."

According to the Herald Sun, other skeptics have chimed in on the video.

"Looks as if the recorder knew the UFO would be flying near the conventional aircraft. I mean, who would just randomly record aircraft taking off from an airport," one YouTuber commented on the video.

Watch the video below: