Experts in Russia are struggling to identify a creature they found on the banks of a river near a power plant in the town of Sosnovy Bor.

The small creature has a "mysterious skull," local news reports say, and it was discovered by two residents near the River Kovashi on Sunday, Express reports.

The town of Sosnovy Bor was built in 1958 to serve the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant. Residents initially thought that the creature was possibly a mutant chicken embryo that was thrown out. Scientists are not sure what exactly it is.

One researcher that saw the creature said, "It seems that this body is neither fish nor fowl - this creature has a mysterious skull, no neck and wings." 

The body of the creature was also looked at by experts at the Institute of Biophysics in Krasnoyarsk. They said they could not make a quick identification on what it was.

More research will need to be done before the creature can be identified. The creature could be sent to Moscow for additional testing.

"Extensive studies are needed to determine what kind of creature or organism it is," Biologist Yegor Zadereev said.

Alien investigators are excited that it could be a real life alien, especially Scott Waring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily.

"This tiny alien body was found near a river in Russia and has no resemblance to any animal known," Waring said.

Skeptics are doubting that the creature is an alien life form and are calling it a decayed embryo of some sort, The Washington Post reports.

Because the creature has gone through so much decay, it makes sense that it is so hard to identify. It also looks like an embryo, and usually embryos look strange.

The creature was also found near a nuclear power plant. If it was exposed to any radiation, it is possible that it has gone through some mutations, making it unidentifiable.

Finally, just because scientists think the creature is weird, does not mean it is an alien. Similar odd creatures have been found in the past, and they have all been explained and found to be normal animals and not aliens.