U.S. Rep. Luis Guitierrez, D-Ill., supports Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., for House Speaker, while the two politicians have come together in their fight for immigration reform.

During an appearance on MSNBC, Gutierrez said, "He (Ryan) would be good for the country. He would be good for the Republican Party. Paul Ryan is the kind of individual that would work with people on the other side of the aisle and that's what we need."

In a video posted to YouTube on April 26, 2013, Gutierrez and Ryan discussed immigration reform at an event in Chicago. In the 53-minute video, the two detailed the changes they believe needs to be made to secure U.S. national security, while meeting the needs of immigrants and businesses.

"[America] is not just a country. America is an idea. It's an idea that people from all over the world aspire to achieve," Ryan said at the time. "There is no other economic system, no other immigration system that has done more to lift people out of poverty than the American free enterprise system, and American immigration system that we have here. That's what makes us proud."

The former vice presidential nominee said that whenever a wave of immigrants comes into the U.S., it is met with "some ignorance" and "some resistance."

Meanwhile, Gutierrez vouched for Ryan, telling the crowd that he has "a history" on the immigration issue, despite the wide belief Ryan put the topic on his agenda just two years ago.

"I want you to know that in 2005 when [Jeff] Flake and I introduced a comprehensive immigration bill ... and Kennedy and McCain was the first bipartisan, bi-cameral bill ... Paul Ryan was an original cosponsor of comprehensive immigration reform," Gutierrez said.

Ryan has not officially announced that he will run for House Speaker, but a source close to the congressman says he is definitely open to considering it.

"Paul's looking at it but it's his decision," said Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., via CNN. "If he decides to do it, he'll be an amazing speaker but he's got to decide on his own."

Former GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney also urged Ryan to run for House Speaker.

"He is a man of ideas who is driven to see them applied for the public good," Romney said in a statement. "Every politician tries to convince people that they are that kind of leader; almost none are -- Paul is. Paul has a driving passion to get America back on a path of growth and opportunity. With Paul, it's not just words, it's in his heart and soul."