After the discovery of 5,000 new dinosaur footprints, the landlocked Latin American nation of Bolivia can now boast the largest number of dinosaur prints in the world.
Bolivian President Evo Morales has fired his Defence Minister Jorge Ledezma for wearing insensitive attire.
On a humanitarian trip made to deliver drinking water to a flood-ravaged region of Chile, Ledezma for wore a vest that bore a logo that made reference to Bolivia's claim to a section of coastline that it lost to Chile in a 19th-Century war.
Argentina and Ecuador will play one another in a much anticipated international soccer game. These two Latin American soccer nations will be on display at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Latin Post previews the game here.
General Oscar Nina, a man who led Bolivia's national police force from 2010 until 2011, is being held on suspicion of connections to the drugs trade as well as illicit enrichment.
Although Bolivian President Evo Morales is known for making sexist remarks, he changed his tune on Monday when he painfully admitted that "women are more intelligent" than men.
Argentina, Brazil, Spain and Mexico have all had tremendous appearances at the Oscars. But there are some other Latin American countries that have more moderate success at the Oscars. Those countries include Chile, Colombia and Uruguay.
Throngs of Bolivians have taken to the streets of Sucre, Bolivia's capital, throwing flowers and dancing in a pagan joy to ring in the return of Ekeko, their 2,000-year-old pre-Columbian god of abundance and prosperity.
A joint oil company owned by Bolivia and Venezuela started to drill oil Tuesday from its first well in the northern part of La Paz province, Fox News Latino reported.
Bolivian President Evo Morales, a socialist who might be best known outside of Latin American politics for calling Israel a terrorist state and kicking a soccer ball around with Oliver Stone while the two men chewed on coca leaves, thinks that too many of the men serving in his army are out of shape. After taking in their leader's complaints about the fatness of Bolivia's finest, security forces have begun to register all of their overweight members.
Studies show that more Latinos are becoming business owners with growing numbers in Nebraska. Studies show that more Latinos are becoming business owners in Nebraska.
The Copa America is the biggest soccer tournament in South America, and it is held once every two years. Latin Post breaks down the groups and pairings, lists the venues and names the 12 nations that qualified for the tournament.
The construction of the building, which has a designed inspired by pre-Hispanic architecture, will be finished by January 2016 but will cost the Bolivian government $36 million.
The 2014 FIFA World Cup may be over, but soccer fans can still watch their favorite national teams play. Chile and Bolivia will play one another in an international friendly exhibition in Antofagasta, Chile.
Bolivian President Evo Morales announced a $2 billion plan to build a nuclear energy power plant and research facilities in the next two decades. Bolivia will be helped by various countries including Argentina, France, Russia and Iran.
Recently, Bolivian Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera announced his plan to combat violence against women in his country, which reportedly has some of the highest rates of male violence in Latin America.
This week, three cyclists arrived in Bolivia after spending three years riding their bikes from South America to the north of North America and back to South America.
Ancient peoples of South America believe Catholicism and annimism An ancient indigenous race in South America, the Aymara, combined their traditional beliefs of animism along with Catholicism, which was brought to the region by the Spanish in the 16th century, and currently live following the mix.