This week in social media, Facebook tried to reassure conservatives, Reddit introduced post embedding, and Twitter may stop counting photos and links against its character limit.
Is Facebook suppressing how much content appears from conservative news outlets? Either way, the controversy points to larger concerns over Facebook's power in media.
This week in social media, a judge in Brazil ordered WhatsApp to be blocked throughout the country (again) and that order was overturned within a day (again).
The creators of Siri, the sometimes-smart AI assistant running on Apple iPhones since 2011, have another AI up their sleeve. They're going to introduce their next generation AI, "Viv," to the world next Monday.
About 100 million Brazilians collectively cried out in anguish on Monday. But you wouldn't hear it from them, because that anguish was over yet another government shutdown of WhatsApp, which as Latin Post previously noted, is a free and vital form of daily communication for Brazilians.
This week in social media, Facebook released its (amazing) quarterly earnings, Twitter released its (terrible) quarterly earnings. Meanwhile, Snapchat is apparently crushing it in online video.
This week in social media, Facebook announced it was rolling out group voice chat to Messenger, while Snapchat upped its popular face swap feature by adding the iPhone's camera roll as an image source. Meanwhile, Twitter added Yelp integration, at least overseas, in an effort to make the platform more useful for users looking for information while they're out and about.
Facebook is rolling out voice calling for groups in its Messenger app. In adding yet another smartphone function to Facebook's domain, the company is taking another step towards total mobile domination.
Remember those days when your friends would tell you, on Facebook, what they were eating for lunch or when they were taking a shower or doing other personal things?
Ever wonder how to be a great leader? Ever wonder what great leaders did to become the best at what they do and create the companies they have. Well these five Ted Talks are great learning tools that will help your leadership skills and will bring you closer to being a better leader.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is supporting a series of new anti-Donald Trump ads taking the Republican presidential front-runner to task over his immigration policy.
Facebook seems to have found its adversary in David Gorodyansky's new social media app Anchorfree. The Russian CEO seems to have found a way to compete with Mark Zuckerberg's "Free Basics" campaign on Facebook.
While there can never be an industry disruptor quite like Mark Zuckerberg, Russia has found its own version of the technology icon, and his name is Pavel Durov.
If you're wondering what Google's new set of offices will look like, an early set of mockups has been released to show its possible appearance once constructed. The images feature a quirky and unique design.