With all the hype of Playstation VR over the years, Sony finally enters into the world of virtual reality, and unleashes one of the best Playstation VR which is also known by the code name Project Morpheus during development. One of the high end option is Oculus Rift and requires powerful PC.

But, Sony Playstation VR is cheaper and comparatively affordable. It is the only one to be fully functional with the Playstation 4 home video game console. It can output a picture on TV as well by monitoring the picture displayed on headset. It works with the camera, and easy to install. The set up procedure of Playstation VR can be done by anyone.According to TechRadar, you'll get one of the best games on the platform. 

The playstation VR includes PlayStation VR headset, an HDMI cable, a processor unit, instruction manuals, a lens-cleaning cloth, ear phones,  a demo disc and the power cables. Once you slip in these headset even for several hours, the comforts remains for long. It's so comfortable and will never feel like it's gripping your head, as the weight easily rest equally on your forehead. Trustedreviews says, the design is gorgeous with sleek white edging and cool lights.  Virtual experience is one of the prominent part of VR, and Sony Playstation VR drops its flawlessly. 

The games are already available with high resolution that has impressive frame rate, which moves swiftly and remains fluid at speed. It's obvious after 45 minutes of staying on the headset, you can get motion sickness and can ruin your whole virtual experience. But, it appears the more time you use the hardware of Sony's, the less it happens as they seem to have licked it off well! It looks like Sony's Playstation VR offers one of the most pleasant virtual experiences available. Above all, to enjoy the whole virtual presence, get a pair of Move and have some fun with the games!