Recent clinical  studies and comparison researchers have confirmed the considerable risk of being affected by the prostate cancer due to the regular intake of liquor. The surveys were done by experienced healthcare consultants and scientists before publishing the reports over the linkage of prostate cancer with the liquor consumption in abundance. 

According to Herald Sun, researchers have indicated that there is a clear link between cancer and alcohol. The regularity maintained by people to have goblets of wine throughout the day is very risky for them to survive. In this report, experts divulge that the probability of recurrent onset of prostate cancer with the protrusion in the benign state accelerates in the event of having at least one drink within a week. Persons who have the habit to take eight alcoholic drinks within a span of 24 hours is prone to prostate cancer in comparison to teetotalers.

Meanwhile, according to, any type of alcohol can increase the skin, pancreas and prostate cancers. Eminent researchers and healthcare professionals at National Drug Research Institute NDRI located in Curtin  University have completed comprehensive studies in unison with Center for Addiction Research of BC at the University of Victoria-based in Canada and have warned that even couple of droplets of wine are  detrimental to the healthcare of people endangering their lives. They need meticulous medical observation and blood culture to diagnose the symptoms of being an alcoholic addict.

Tanya Chikritzhz, the co-author, has explained in his dissertation about the common cause and factors about the side effect of alcohol consumption. The result of such exposure to the intake of wine or toxic element containing alcohol in high percentage increases the risks and danger of occurrence of cancer in the prostate. It will be devastating in case the patient is in a negligible state for a prolonged period of time. Healthcare consultants have proved that abstinence from drinking alcohol must be helpful and much more conducive to the proper health management preventing the cause of the attack on prostate cancer.  

Finally, more feedbacks are generated by experienced and famous researchers when they start their deep findings to determine the connection between liquor consumption and prostate cancer.  A pint of fresh crystal clear liquor damages the health speeding up the expansion of malignant prostate cancer surreptitiously. One pint of liquor is equivalent to the strength of 175 ml glasses of powerful country liquor.