"Tokyo Ghoul" is one of the most popular anime manga series in Japan that has recently released its most anticipated 30-second trailer for the live-action movie adaptation. Many reports claimed that the film will be released prior to the premiere of "Tokyo Ghoul" season 3.

There has not been any confirmation yet about "Tokyo Ghoul" season 3 to arrive this year, due to not so impressive result in its previous season. So, Sui Ishida's dark fantasy third season is still likely on the line but it surely does rolling into TV screens, but for now, producers didn't give any hint when will the third season starting to roll in, Anime News Network has reported.

Also, for "Tokyo Ghoul" season 3, many speculations about its timeslot will be changed. "Tokyo Ghoul" season 2 didn't receive very much anticipated review considering the poor ratings. So, might as well the series will no longer be in the light of day time.

Fans also reacted to the outcome of 'Tokyo Ghoul" season 2 claiming that that original manga story has strayed away. Producers promises for "Tokyo Ghoul" to have season 3 and suggest to have a 2018 released date. In the series' season 3, fans may expect the return of Ken Kaneki and will further feature Haise Sasaki, being the reincarnation of Kaneki.

Moreover, "Tokyo Ghoul" manga series chapter 121, it is said to feature Touka Kirishima and Kaneki Ken getting intimate with each other. The latest manga chapter titled "One Will Hang" will start off with the conversation of Akira Mado and Kaneki Ken. Mado opened up to her mentor and claimed that she is heartbroken.

Akira Mado has an unknown feeling of where to cling to as it definitely won't be Kaneki. Mado left and says that there is something with Kaneki that she really liked. Moreover, according to ComicBook, Touka asked the most awkward question to Kaneki, if he was still a virgin?

Well, asking that question definitely on a different level of relationship that whatever the two have. The trailer of the upcoming movie of "Tokyo Ghoul" has been recently released though there hasn't been much revealed about the plot. The live-action movie adaptation is expected to be on July 29, 2017.