(Photo : Stocksnap)

The share of Mexico in the United States mango market will have a significant increase from spring through summer, says an article from The Packer.

Peru reached its Peak of Sales in January

The mango shipments to the US from Peru had reached its peak at the end of January. From mid-March, the mango sales of Peru to the US are expected to gradually fall, says the executive director of the National Mango Board, Manue Michel.

According to importers, the mango volumes originating from Peru were big this 2020. This had caused delays in shipments originating from Mexico.

According to Michel, the overall volume of mango shipments from Peru is expected to increase by at least 61% compared to last year. 

Mexico's Volume of Mango Shipments

Michel said that the volume of mango shipments to the United States of America is expected to be bigger than Peru.

Mangoes in Mexico shipped to the United States had increased to 368,000 metric tons in 2019 from the 277,000 metric tons of 2015. 

The mango shipments originating from Mexico were more or less 5% higher than the shipments made in 2018, says the Department of Agriculture of the US. 

In July 2019, Mangoes in Mexico shipments had reached its peak that year. 

The per capital mango availability increased by almost half of a pound in 1990 to three pounds in 2017. According to a United States distributor, there is still an opportunity to increase the imports of mangoes from Mexico.

Mexico is responsible for providing 2/3 of the total mango imports to the United States, say the USDA statistics. In 2019, the total imports of mangoes in Mexico to the United States had totaled $351 million or 61% of the total imports of Mangoes to the US.

Mexican Mango Exports

Mexico had exported 82 million boxes of mangoes to the United States in 2019. According to Michel, the 2019 exports of Mexico had risen by 5% compared to 2018.

Michel said the mango season of Mexico was similar to the one last year. Their volume of production for the first year is expected to be the same as the previous year with more or less 10 million boxes. 

The forecasted volumes of Mangoes in Mexico for the quarter are expected to reach similar results from the previous year. However, the Michoacan's mango season had been delayed for two to three weeks. This will result in a shift in volumes from March to April. 

The Outlook of the Mexican Mango Market

The Freight on Board (FOB) Prices in South Texas reported by the USDA for Mexican ataulfo mangoes on February 19 ranged from $9 to $10 per 12-piece carton sizes. 

The FOB prices in South Florida for kent mangoes originating from Peru were reported by the USDA to cost $3 to $4 per carton on February 9. Its price fell from last year's $7 to $8 cost per carton.

According to the chief operating officer of Ciruli Bros in Nogales, Arizona named Chris Ciruli, the weather was good for the Mexican mango development. The business had recorded the first arrivals of their ataulfo mangoes from Chiapas to Nogales, Arizona, and South Texas.