George Floyd's death revealed one of the hidden secrets in America, looting. Hispanics and African-Americans have been looted of trillions since 1920, according to a recently published article

History of Looting in America

Looting has become one of the favorite words of people in the U.S. today following the death of George Floyd who was accused of counterfeiting $20 in a grocery store. People of different colors outraged because of the way that Floyd was arrested. They described it as inhumane.

When Ronald Reagan ended the New Deal era, crushed the labor unions, and massively cut the top corporate and personal taxes in 1981, he kicked off the widespread looting in the U.S. that started since 1920. 

People who work across the country who have seen accumulated a total wealth of $7 trillion were looted and they were reduced from the working middle group to the working poor. Additionally, when Reagan stopped the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1983- this is a law that regulates competition among the enterprises- small and medium-sized businesses were looted by giant companies.

Different Looting Experiences Across the Country

Millions of American citizens in the country have their homes looted specifically by California's "Forclosure King" Steven Mnuchen and Wall Street banksters just like Jamie Dimon. This time, it is happening again. 

This problem is not only significantly seen in properties but also include the most basic need of human, food. There are many Americans across the country who starve every day because of the defense contractors who have apportioned big federal spending at the expense of food stamps and agricultural products. 

Betsy DeVos, the current Secretary of the Education Department since 2017, has earned a massive amount of $56 million last year. She was accused of looting billions of dollars from the country's public schools and give it to the for-profit and religious industries buddies running who are running schools.

Even former U.S. President George W. Bush was accused of looting trillions of dollars when he decided to partially privatized the Medicare Program with the so-called "Medicare Advantage" in 2005 that led the system into a crisis.

The country's air and water have also been looted by giant fossil fuel companies and billionaires. It even led to millions of deaths every year and many migrated from their land of origin. 

Hispanics and African-Americans Have Been Looted too of Trillions

Hispanics are the largest minority group in the country while African-Americans are the second largest group. Over-all the two groups are comprised of more than 60 million in the country's total population. 

Hispanics and African-Americans have been looted of trillions through their reduced pay from their racist employers. In some instances, this also happens in a big corporation. Additionally, their safety, peace of mind, and lives have been looted by some police officers most especially these days. 

This problem must stop today as it will only add up to the present phenomenon the country is experiencing. Looting, protests, and the global pandemic are now becoming the greatest foes of the country.