Gary Oldman thinks people should "get over" Mel Gibson's anti-semitic comments from 2006.

In a new interview with Playboy Magazine, Oldman attributed the uproar to "political correctness" and said people should learn to "take a f***ing joke."

"I don't know about Mel," Oldman said. "He got drunk and said a few things, but we've all said those things. We're all f***ing hypocrites. That's what I think about it. The policeman who arrested him has never used the word 'n***er' or 'that f***ing Jew'? I'm being brutally honest here. It's the hypocrisy of it that drives me crazy."

Oldman also defended Alec Baldwin's choice of words when confronted by the paparazzi, saying that he couldn't come out of his building without being bothered.

He added that Mel Gibson bit the hand that fed him, but that he still doesn't understand why he is being targeted.

"We all hide and try to be so politically correct," he said. "That's what gets me. It's just the sheer hypocrisy of everyone, that we all stand on this thing going 'Isn't that shocking?'"

Gibson was arrested for drunk driving in Malibu eight years ago, and he made a disparaging comment about Jewish people. He later apologized and said the comments were made in a "moment of insanity."

"So this interview has gone very badly," Oldman said. "You have to edit and cut half of what I've said, because it's going to make me sound like a bigot."

Oldman complained about reality TV and added that he hated watching himself in the 1986 "Sid and Nancy" biopic. He also thinks the world has gone to hell.

"Culturally, politically, everywhere you look. I look at the world, I look at our leadership and I look at every aspect of our culture and wonder what will make it better. I have no idea. Any night of the week you only need to turn on one of these news channels and watch for half an hour. Read the newspaper. Go online. Our world has gone to hell."