California hiker Lukas McClish, 34, embarked on what was meant to be a routine three-hour hike in the scenic Santa Cruz Mountains on June 11.

However, unforeseen circumstances and the altered landscape from recent wildfires led to him getting lost in the vast wilderness, according to CNN.

McClish's disappearance prompted a widespread search effort after he failed to return home for a Father's Day dinner, ultimately culminating in his rescue ten days later.

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A Harrowing Ordeal

A California hiker's trek into the Santa Cruz Mountains turned into a harrowing ordeal as he wandered through the rugged terrain of Big Basin Redwoods State Park, grappling with the aftermath of recent wildfires that had drastically altered the landscape.

His family's concern escalated when he didn't arrive for a planned Father's Day gathering on June 16, prompting official search and rescue operations to commence.

After days of uncertainty and extensive search efforts involving multiple agencies, including the Santa Cruz Sheriff's Office and Cal Fire San Mateo, McClish was discovered.

He was found in a remote canyon within Big Basin Redwoods State Park, thanks to the combined efforts of search teams and the deployment of drones by the Santa Cruz Sheriff's Office, ABC 7 News reports.

Despite his prolonged exposure to the elements, McClish emerged relatively unscathed, albeit exhausted and dehydrated.

In an interview following his rescue, McClish recounted the minimal supplies he had carried with him, emphasizing his reliance on natural water sources found along the way.

His survival strategy centered on drinking copious amounts of water to stave off hunger, a testament to his resourcefulness and adaptability in the face of adversity.

McClish, a native of Boulder Creek, California, expressed gratitude for the tireless efforts of the search and rescue teams who tirelessly worked to locate him.

He described his emotions upon being reunited with his family as a mix of relief and overwhelming gratitude.

A Test of Survival

The California hiker's ten-day odyssey in the wilderness tested not just his physical stamina, but also his mental resilience.

Stranded without adequate provisions, he relied on ingenuity and resilience to weather the challenges of his environment.

Despite losing 30 pounds during his ordeal, McClish maintained a sense of calm and determination, viewing his time in the wilderness as an opportunity for personal growth and reflection, The New York Times noted.

As the days passed, McClish's situation grew increasingly dire, compounded by the onset of hypothermia and the physical toll of his surroundings.

However, his unwavering resolve and occasional cries for help eventually caught the attention of search teams scouring the area.

The dramatic rescue, involving the deployment of drones and the collaboration of dedicated personnel from various agencies, marked the end of Lukas McClish's solitary journey in the California mountains.   

His reunion with family members served as a poignant reminder of the value of community support and the indomitable human spirit in overcoming adversity.

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Ross Key

WATCH: Missing hiker found alive after spending 10 days in Santa Cruz Mountains - From ABC7 News Bay Area