During a recent interview on "Larry King Now," Anna Paquin fired back at and challenged Larry King about a question he asked the "True Blood" star regarding her sexuality.

"Are you a non-practicing bisexual?" King asked Paquin who is married and has two children with her "True Blood" co-star, Stephen Moyer.

"Well, I mean, I am married to my husband, and we are happy monogamously married," the 32-year-old actress replied.

Us Weekly reports, King, who appeared puzzled at Paquin's response asked again, "But you were bisexual?"

Paquin then responded with a challenge to King, asking him if his sexuality changes simply because he married or in a relationship with someone.

"Well, I don't think it's a past tense thing," she fired back. "Are you still straight if you're with somebody? Doesn't mean you're not, if you were to break up with them or you were to die. It doesn't prevent your sexuality from existing. It doesn't really work like that."

Us Weekly reports, Paquin first came out in August 2012 during a cameo appearance for "Give a Damn" campaign's PSA.

Since then, the Oscar-winning actress has spoken out on many occasions about her sexuality and her support for the LGBT community.

Last month, during her "HuffPost Live" interview, Paquin explained the reason she is so open about her sexuality is to create normalcy among those who are still puzzled and prejudice towards the LGBT community.

"The reason I feel like it's important to talk about this stuff is that the more normal and, frankly, mundane and boring this stuff becomes, I think the better it's going to be for everyone who is part of our community," she said.

Paquin then went on to reveal that "nothing surprises" her when it comes to the prejudice towards the LGBT community.

"I know there's a lot of hateful people out in the world who have very strong opinions. And you know when you stick your neck out on certain topics that some people are gonna go 'yay' and some people are gonna say some of the most vile things that you can possibly imagine. So no, nothing surprise me," she concluded.

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