Cassidy Stay survived a horrible ordeal early in July when she lost her family in a shooting. However, following an online campaign, she received a gift from J.K. Rowling unlike any other.

On July 10, Ronald Lee Haskell, 33, went to Cassidy's family home and shot her, her parents and younger siblings. Her ex-uncle went to her house in search of his ex-wife, Cassidy's aunt, and headed to her grandparent's afterward. However, Cassidy played dead and managed to contact police before Haskell reached his next victims.

At a memorial just three days later, Cassidy along with her grandparents and members of the Spring, Texas, community gathered to remember the Stay family, according to NBC News. In her speech, Cassidy said her family is "in a much better place and that I'll be able to see them again one day." She also thanked the hospital staff that cared for her.

In her speech, the 15-year-old quoted from the third "Harry Potter" book, "The Prisoner of Azkaban," saying "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." In the books, the character speaking these words is Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore.

Cassidy's love for the books reached their creator J.K. Rowling, and the author sent Cassidy a gift, according to the Telegraph. Cassidy received a letter by Albus Dumbledore in purple ink, an acceptance letter to Hogwarts with her supply list, a wand and the third book of the series, signed by the author.

The story reached Rowling thanks to social media. Following her speech, her family began a Facebook page called "We want JK Rowling to meet Cassidy Stay." Rowling heard about Cassidy's story and reached out to her, reports the Telegraph. A spokesperson for Rowling confirmed the story but did not say what the letter contained, explaining, "The contents of the letter remain private."

A GoFundMe campaign has also been started for Cassidy to help with her future financial needs since her immediate family is no longer with her. The campaign has raised almost $400,000.