Sean Bean is known for playing characters that die, and on "Game of Thrones" he had a grand send off.

Ned Stark was executed, and his head was later seen on a stake.

Bean has revealed in a Reddit chat what it was like seeing his head, saying it "was a bit strange yeah, a bit creepy." But it didn't stop him from having fun as they "just kicked it around like a football!"

"The scene was shot in Malta, in this big square in Malta, I think they built it, like a big public square, and it was good," he said. "It was weird, you know? Because they made a cast of my head with hair on it, I've got some pictures of me holding my head. And it was fun. I don't know, you kind of just have to imagine what it's like to have your head chopped off."

Although Bean read the books beforehand, he was still shocked when the time came.

Bean also said he didn't believe that Jon Snow was Ned Stark's son.

"I mean, how am I supposed to know? she said. "Does anybody know? I don't think he's mine."

When someone asked why Ned Stark hadn't taught Jon Snow anything, Bean answered, "Because he's not mine!"

A fan theory has circulated that Stark couldn't possibly be Jon Snow's father.

As someone who was dedicated to his relationship with his wife, it seemed out of character. Instead, people believe that it is Ned Stark's sister who is really Jon Snow's mother. People believe she had a son with Rhaegar Targaryen out of wedlock and, because Targaryens were being killed, Stark lied to protect him.

Bean also revealed that the wished he had been Ned Stark for longer.