Thalia likes to be silly on her Instagram account, and on Tuesday, she decided to play up a rumor about herself.

She posted a video of herself next to a jar that contained her ribs, as it has long been said that Thalia removed her ribs so that she could be thinner.

"To all my loving Filipino fans, here is the proof," she said. "My famous Ribs, I kept them with me all these years. And the Saga continues...."

The picture, however, is meant to be taken as a joke, but some people took it as a confession.

Even though that same night, she posted a picture of herself with a giant red X over the jar, media outlets and people continued to report that she had removed her ribs.

She then posted a picture of herself about to eat ribs.

This video pointed at the food, which were supposed to be her ribs.

"To all my Filipino Fans, Tadaaaa!!! Here is My Famous Ribs, would you like to try some," she said. "I'll cook it like Bulalo style next time."

Her next video showed different media outlets saying that she finally admitted to having her ribs removed.

She captioned that video with a lengthy explanation.

"And the #myth will continue..." she said. "'Myth is not a true story, it is a story that is true,'.... 'Myths are a special kind of literature not written or created by a single individual, but produced by the imagination and experience of an entire age and culture and can be seen as the distillation of the dreams and experiences of a whole generation' I love you guys. And I loved every single story! Super fun and creative ;-)Bravo!"

She has gotten all sorts of reactions, from people saying they loved her joke to others criticizing her for taking it too far.