In early September, it was reported that rocker Gustavo Cerati's death was tied to brain damage, but Cerati's mother has come forward to explain that her son was not brain dead.

"Gustavo wasn't brain dead," said his mother, Lilian Clark. "He heard us, so we had a glimmer of hope. I would say, 'why not?' We are millions of people in this world and each have a different digital imprint, and I kept saying, 'Why not. Everyone of us can react to different stimuli differently."

She said that though the illness was severe, he would sometimes squeeze their hands. And though he couldn't see or connect with his family, they knew that he was there.

Clark added that she felt at peace because everyone that could have been done for him was.

She also believes that the coma was to prepare the family for his death.

"I don't think Gustavo would have liked to return if he wasn't in perfect physical conditions, and we don't what would have happened if he woke up," she said. "So I think it was like he was preparing us. Sometimes I think my son had superior intelligence. He was getting used accustomed slowly. It would have been terrible if Gustavo died suddenly."

Following his death, Cerati's girlfriend was attacked on social media.

Chloe Bello wrote a message where she said goodbye to the rock star, where she called him the love of her life. She added that she loved him from the first day they met and that she was thankful that he was in her life.

People quickly called her out and blamed her for his death because she allegedly made him take Viagra. Fans were also upset that Bello posted pictures of other possible boyfriends in the time that he was in a coma.