Many people move to the big apple in hopes of making their artistic dreams come true. But what happens when you realize you are just one in a million? And let's not forget all of the phony agencies and talent scouts that are after your money. New York is a big world; let a working entertainer help you.

Embracing Artists is an organization that helps aspiring entertainers get on the right path, to actually start working. Xen Sia, an actress, started this project in 2009 after realizing how much she could help others by sharing the business aspect of the entertainment world. Sia teaches a four-hour class to aspiring artists in New York City... for FREE. "I want to restore the faith of aspiring entertainers who have a dream," Xen says. "It's a simple equation, treat it like a business. Don't wait to be discovered, you must get out there," she advises.

Xen then gives her students a step-by-step guide into having the right model card, finding the correct auditions and funding their career in order to get jobs. Four hours might sound like a lot but there isn't a dull moment. I know... I sat through the class myself. Xen is passionate, dedicated and very smart. The class is highly informative and very entertaining. She uses her own experiences as an example of things that you will face in the industry, making it easy for students to relate. After taking this class you feel enlightened, you now have all of the tools that you need to start working. It's about making money in the industry while doing what you love, and you know what? It isn't impossible.

Embracing Artists' Facebook page welcomes students to voice their opinions on the class experience. A specific student once told Sia "Wow, those four hours felt like half an hour, it really captivated my attention."

"You start as a student and you leave as a friend," says Xen. Even though she has dealt with some false accusations lately, Xen continues to put scammers out of their jobs. "Knowledge is power, the more I educate people, the least they can be tricked."

This entire process is at no cost, the resources provided are up to you to take advantage of, or not, no obligations. Xen works with a professional photographer and a team of hair and make-up artists, who at a discounted price will give you great photos. I know what you're thinking, there's the catch. Nope, 99% of the resources Embracing Artists recommends and Xen has no monetary compensations or kick back from the photos. Part of the low cost of the actor and model headshot package helps keep the FREE classes running but you are not obligated to purchase anything. I watched people happily leave the class without signing up for any photo set, with the class guide in their hands and after hugging our teacher Xen goodbye.

"I believe in good karma, what comes around goes around. To be humble, to relate to others, I pride myself on that," Xen states. I don't like my time to be wasted and this class was one of the best choices I made. As a writer, I too consider myself part of the entertainment world and the information I received in this class at no cost was, well, priceless.

Check out Embracing Artists on their Facebook resource page and on their Facebook students and friends page.