As the 2016 Elections is fast approaching, presidential candidates are caught in the middle of different opinions as to their eligibility and their effect on the political arena if they will be seated in the White House as the U.S. president.

This includes Republican candidate Ted Cruz, who in the primaries is going head-to-head in polls against another Republican presidentiable Donald Trump. CNN Politics reports that the Republican senate has recently aired out their opinions on the two bets and is reportedly gearing towards Trump rather than Cruz.

The publication further reports that ever since Cruz stepped in Washington D.C., he was not very appealing for his co-legislators for his stance on different social and political matters. The problem is, according to the news agency, is that Cruz may bring a problem for the Republican senate if he will be the Republican candidate.

According to Orrin Hatch, a Republican in the Senate, Cruz will not give a positive effect to the senate seats, he said as reported by the news agency."There's a lot of people who don't feel he can appeal to people across the board," Hatch added. "For us to win, we have to appeal to the moderates and independents. We can't just act like that only one point of view is the only way to go. That's where Ted is going to have some trouble."

The publication added that this year, Cruz alleged that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was a liar on her deal with an Export-Import Bank. The news further put Cruz in a tough position with the Republicans in the Senate.

Meanwhile, The Atlantic also reveals that Cruz gives no regard to his fellow senators, which is likely the reason why the Republicans are choosing Trump over him. "I've watched him stand on the floor of the Senate and call the majority leader a liar," D.C. Lobbyist Trent Lott said as quoted by the publication.

He added, "I don't know whether he was or he wasn't -- you don't do that where I'm from. If I'd have been in the Senate, I would have tried to have him removed from the floor of the Senate for inappropriate conduct. You just don't do that. Are we not still gentlemen, and respectful of each other?"

The news agency shared that Cruz was even in the spotlight for being a negative aspect of the Republicans back when he confronted President Barack Obama regarding his health care law, which resulted in a partial government shutdown.

This was the reason why Lott speculates that Cruz cannot be the Republican candidate. "While I might agree philosophically quite often with Ted Cruz, his tactics are unrealistic and do not work," Lott further explained as quoted by The Atlantic.