Most people do not just want a stable career; they also hope to have one that they actually enjoy and can give them financial stability. It's true that experience is a great teacher, but it's also important to take others' advice into consideration.

Here are three honest career tips that may come in handy as you scout for a new job.

'Busy' is not Always a Good Thing

Most of us think that top achievers constantly surround themselves with piles of work. This attitude, however, can have serious repercussions on an employee.

Those who are constantly busy tend to have difficulties when it comes to juggling their duties, which ends up in a badly done task because of lack of focus.

"Ironically the busier you appear, often the less you will move up," said Mira Zaslove, director of international sales and trading at FabExchange, as reported by Inc. "I've seen smart and dedicated employees fail to get promoted, because they have taken on too much, are working too hard, and appeared too frazzled. If you appear stressed, people will think you aren't prepared to take on more, and you'll miss opportunities for new and innovative projects."

Look for a Good Boss/Mentor

Getting a job in a big and popular company earns you approvals from other people but don't forget that having a good boss or a mentor is also important to your career.

Being around successful people can teach you plenty of things that are important in your future career endeavors. These successful individuals, once you earn a much-coveted spot in their inner circle, can refer you to their business networks if you can prove that you are competent enough for it.

"You'll experience tremendous personal and professional growth if you have the best person mentoring you, so figure out where the absolute best person to work for would be, and go work for them," said Jeremy Boudinet, director of marketing for startup Ambition, as quoted by Inc.

Don't be Ashamed of Your Failures

Zaslove said that failures are not always seen as a sign of incompetence. Most of the time, failing is a sign that a person is willing to take risks and innovate. If you show to your team members that you are not afraid of taking risks, your colleagues will be confident to follow your example.

"Your team will respect you and your career will accelerate if people understand what you are doing and that you are taking risks. Most people do not view someone as credible if they are giving advice and recommendations, but not walking the walk," Zaslove explained, as quoted by Inc.