The early reviews for "X-men Days of Future Past" are in, and it looks like worried fans and comic books geeks everywhere can put their concerns to rest.

Critics took to Twitter Wednesday night following an advanced screening of Bryan Singer's new X-men film, and the response seems to be overwhelmingly positive. In fact, according to some critics, "Days of Future Past" may be the greatest X-men film of all time.

Twitter user Kel of Latino Review gushed about the movie, comparing it to what many consider to be the best comic book adaptation movie ever made.

"Saw X-Men: DOFP & it was really good!" he tweeted. "In opinion it's the best X-Men movie so far but that's just me. It was like Avengers but with Mutants."

Fox5 film critic Kevin McCarthy was equally enthusiastic about the movie:‪ "#XmenDaysOfFuturePast is incredible! - Works great as a drama, action and comic book flick - Amazing performances! Fav ‪#XMen flick by far!"

One scene in particular blew McCarthy's mind. "There is a sequence in the film that I would pay FULL TICKET price 2 see on a loop for 2 hrs! Epic action sequence! ‪#NerdTears ‪#Quicksilver," tweeted McCarthy.

Judging by the hashtag, the presumably epic scene involves the platinum haired speedster, Quicksilver. And no, that wasn't a mistake. Many other critics agreed that the incredibly corny looking character (whom many thought would pale in comparison to the version set to appear in next year's "Avengers: Age of Ultron") was one of the true highlights of the movie.

Check out the tweets below singing Quicksilver's praises.

"X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST is great," wrote Steven Weintraub. "Film finds a way to make both casts work & His main scene is highlight of the film."

"One last thing about X-Men: Day of Future Past...Laugh all you want but the Quicksilver scene was pretty awesome. That is all," tweeted user Kel.

Is "Days of Future Past" really the best superhero film yet? Audiences will get to find out for themselves when the film hit theaters on May 23.