"Haha to Kuraseba" has been selected to represent Japan at the Oscars. Directed by veteran helmer Yoji Yamada, the film marks the fifth time the director has represented the country. Previously his films "Final Take," "Gakko II," "Hope and Pain," "Final Take" and "The Twilight Samurai" represented the country. "The Twilight Samurai" is the only film that has been nominated for the Oscar.

"Haha to Kuraseba" opened last December in Japan and went on to win numerous awards at the Japanese Academy Awards. The film has played at numerous Japanese Film festivals and also played at the series Japan Cuts in the United States.

The film tells the story of woman whose son was killed in the Nagasaki atomic bombing in 1945 but who appears to her and reminisces about their happy times together.

Japan has been prominent with the Academy as it has obtained 12 nominations and has only won once for the film "Departures (2009). However, it holds three honorary Oscars. After winning the Oscar in 2009 the country has only made the January shortlist once for the film "Confessions." However, nominations have not come to fruition.

Last year the country submitted "100 Yen Love." That film premiered at the Toronto Film Festival where it scored rave reviews but did not garner the necessary buzz for the nomination.

Japan could obtain its 13th nomination with "Haha to Kuraseba" but first it must compete with numerous other countries. Among them include Germany ("Toni Erdmann"), Spain (Julieta") and Romania ("Sieranevada"). Venezuela ("From Afar"), Cuba ("The Companion"), Dominican Republic ("La Flor de Azucar"), Finland ("The Happiest Day in the Life of the Olli Maki"), and Croatia ("On the Other Side") will also compete.

In recent years the Academy has awarded "Son of Saul," "Ida," "The Great Beauty," and "A Separation" the best foreign language film of the year.

The deadline to submit for the foreign language category is Oct. 3. On Jan. 17 the Academy will announce the nine finalists from among the eligible films and on Jan. 24 nominations will be announced. The winner will be announced at the Oscar ceremony on Feb. 26, 2017.