Despite her Hollywood stardom and leading roles in the "Divergent" series and the upcoming "The Fault In Our Stars" film, Shailene Woodley revealed to Jimmy Kimmel that she's homeless... by choice.

So why did the successful starlet choose rags over riches? Well, she admitted that she's lonely.

"I was only home for 15 days last year and I got home and I was like, 'I don't want to be alone. I want to be with my friends and family,'" said Woodley during her interview with Jimmy Kimmel on Thursday.

She continued, "So, I got rid of everything just so I could have one suitcase that would be easy to transport between houses and just kind of couch surf for a few months. But it's so refreshing and it takes so much stress away when you're like, 'Ugh, I only have one pair of jeans to wash.' It's so nice."

Woodley explained that she did have a home in L.A. last year, but due to her constant traveling, she gave her home to her grandma who, she joked, refuses to let her back in.

So what can one find in Woodley's travel suitcase?

Well, Woodley claims that she has a laptop (no iPad), one pair of jeans, and a few tops and other clothing essentials.

Talk about light packing.

And get this: the 22-year-old actress revealed that at one point she didn't even have a cell phone until her managers personally bought her one so that they could keep track of her during promotion and filming.

"I do have a phone right now because we've been doing so much press and they were like, 'Shai, we need to be able to get ahold of you, so here's a temporary phone and we've taped the number to the back of it so you won't forget it,'" she admitted, laughing. "It's kind of hilarious."

Well, if it works for you Shailene, more power to you!

Check out a clip from Shailene's "Jimmy Kimmel" interview below:

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