Bumble bee species has been considered as an endangered species for the first time in the American history. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, bumblebee has been placed in a "race against extinction" list.

20 years ago, the rusty-patched bumble bee was so prevalent that even pedestrians in the Midwest cities are flooded with the insect. Today, only a few of them can be found anywhere. Even the trained scientists and experienced bee watchers find it difficult to see them.

"I've never seen one, and I live here pretty close to where there have been populations documented," said Tamara Smith of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist in Minneapolis.

The endangered designation was proposed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under the Endangered Species Act for those species which are in danger and on the brink of extinction.

"Our top priority is to act quickly to prevent the extinction of the rusty-patched bumble bee. Listing the bee as endangered will help us mobilize partners and focus resources on finding ways right now to stop the decline," Regional Director Tom Melius of Service Midwest said.

Furthermore, the designation made by the organization ensures protection to prevent the striped black and yellow pollinator with a long black tail to be lost forever. The designation imposed regulations and policies with regards to the destruction of the bumble bee's habitat and habitat creation.

It also raises awareness to people about bumble bees by presenting a detailed long-term recovery plan for the restoration of its population. According to USA Today, these bees are responsible for pollinating most plants that require insect pollination for production. Without them, it would be hard to pollinate important crops like tomatoes, cranberries, and peppers.

On the other hand, people can help boost bumblebee's population by having a garden and adding some native flowering tree or shrub to their yards. It would be good if they learn to minimize the use of pesticides.

Leaving areas of the year unmowed during summer will provide bumblebees a safe place to build their nests. Standing plants stem in gardens and flower beds in winter will also help them grow their population faster.