Psyonix, the developer of Rocket League has recently posted an update on the game's upcoming Competitive Season 4. The season 3 of "Rocket League" has an unexpectedly long running time than planned but it still has some legs. The developer of the game has announced the window version when the game begins on April - month when the season 4 will start.

Destructoid reported that for the upcoming Season 4 of "Rocket League," Psyonix has posted an extensive update about the Competitive Season 4 and the rewards to be granted out for Competitive Season 3. The players of the game can notice that the season 3 was on the road for quite some time, Psyonix explained that they are making several changes in Competitive Season 4 - which will be revealed when the released date comes.

Part of the condition in order to make the changes was to extend the season 3, Psyonix stated. As of the moment, there are 15 different ranks - three Champion ranks, four Prospect ranks, four Star ranks, and four challenger ranks. The reconstruction for season 4 will change the different ranks into Champion and 15 will soon expand to 19.

Moreover, as the current season will draw to a close, season 3 rewards have been revealed and all of the players who take their part in Competitive Playlists will receive the special wheels basing on the highest Tier a player reached.

The Prospect I or higher - Season 3 Prospect Wheels, Challenger I or higher - Season 3 Challenger Wheels, Rising Star or higher - Season 3 Star Wheels, Champion or higher - Season 3 Champion Wheels, Grand Champion - Season 3 Grand Champion Title +, Rocket League has reported.

The Season 4 of "Rocket League" is expected to release in April. Psyonix anticipates the beginning and ending of the season regular intervals once it's all been settled from the next update of the game.