23-year-old Academy award winning actress Jennifer Lawrence is getting slammed for a joke gone wrong.

So what exactly happened?

Well, it all went down on May 17 during a Vanity Fair and Armani industry party held during the Cannes film festival.

Perhaps we can "blame it on the alcohol" for this one, but J.Law got a little too comfortable when she encountered "Gravity" director Alfonso Cuaron.

According to Perez Hilton, Lawrence spotted Cuaron, started screaming, and then approached him and said, "I broke out my rape scream for you!"

Too much? You be the judge!

Though Lawrence probably thought her "rape joke" was hilarious and said in private, many overheard the careless joke and now critics are slamming the actress for her not-so-funny rape quip.

The Daily Mail reported several sites that are criticizing the actress and weighing in on how this might affect her career.

"Democraticunderground.com wrote, 'This time, however, Jen may have unintentionally shown fans a bit too much of her private side. Here's hoping she does some damage control before there's any permanent harm to her career.'

"Fishwrapper wrote, 'We're not mad, Jennifer, we're just disappointed. And, OK, we're pretty mad, too."

The "American Hustle" actress has yet to issue an apology or statement regarding the issue.

Is Jen's PR team whipping something up as we speak? Maybe.

Or perhaps J.Law just isn't sorry.

If so, she wouldn't be the first celebrity who wasn't sorry for their insensitive comments.

Last month, Joan Rivers was in the dog house for "joking" that her small bedroom was tinier than the room that the Ariel Castro victims were held captive and tortured in.

Though many criticized her cruel joke, Rivers response was, "Get over it."

It was a little, stupid joke. There is nothing to apologize for. I made a joke. That's what I do. Calm down. Calm (expletive) down. I'm a comedienne. They're free, so let's move on," she said.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see how J.Law responds to this one.

Did she take it too far? Share your comments with us below.