Battlefield 1 extension They Shall Not Pass will be debuting this month. Battlefield 1 is one of the most awaited game and in just a few days away, fans can physically grab their favorite game and dig in it. Reports claimed that the game will be adding four maps, the French army, Frontlines, Trench Raider Elite Class, and some nasty vehicles.

DICE has recently announced Battlefield 1 expansion They Shall Not Pass released date and dropped its new trailer. The set release date is on March 14 for several players or its Premium Pass members first on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox one. And according to Game Spot, the game will only be available after for separate purchase two weeks later, March 28 and try the new content.

The game's availability also announced along with the new DLC cinematic trailer of Battlefield 1 extension They Shall Not Pass showing some new packed actions. In the new trailer released, dev added its new French army and some of the new gay in the game.

Aside from the new French armies and gays, EA also revealed that four maps and additional weapons and modes to be added to the new DLC Battlefield 1. According to Express, after the Battlefield 1 expansion: They Shall Not Pass, EA will release another three DLC but there haven't been any more details yet especially to its released.

The first Battlefield 1 to release is "In the Name of the Tsar," enter the biggest front of World War 1 with the Russian Army. It is a ride in Galicia with the legendary Hussars during the time of Brusilov offensive. Will partake in the skirmishes of the Albion assault in a cold archipelago and will fight in the treacherous Lupkow Pass.

The second is the Battlefield 1: Turning Tides, wherein it will participate in the amphibious war of WW1 and will embark with the destroyer into naval clashes. And the third Battlefield 1: Apocalypse will go over the top of the infamous battles of World War 1. It will conquer the bitterly contested ground with unique weapons and brutal tools.