Illegal Immigrants Plans to Illegally Stay Regardless of the DACA policy Verdict Next Summer

On Tuesday's hearing with the Supreme Court, President Trump and his administration stressed that the DACA programs shield for undocumented immigrants in the United States of America should cease regardless of its legal situation. This statement shared by Trump and his administration was supported by the majority of the conservative justices in the court.
Former President Barack Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was authorized to take effect upon the executive act issued by his office in 2012. It was created to protect the undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States of America by their parents when they were children.
According to Solicitor Gen. Noel Francisco, the DACA program is against the law of the country.
Protesters had grouped in front of the building of the Supreme Court of the United States of America on Tuesday during the proceedings of the oral arguments were happening. The result of the oral argument will determine the fate of the undocumented immigrant youth who are beneficiaries of the DACA program.
Some of the protesters even exclaimed that, regardless of the decision of the Supreme Court regarding the fate of the DACA policy, they will still not leave the United States. The decision is expected to be released in the summer of next year.
The protest was attended by students, activists, politicians, and lawyers. They had with them signs in support of the immigrants in the United States of America. The immigrants were called "Dreamers" in some of the signs.
Solicitor General Noel Francisco also added to his statement that even if the DACA policy was not illicit, the Department of Homeland Security still has the authority to stop its implementation and the department's decisions are not subject to review by the courts in the United States.
"DACA was a temporary stopgap measure that, on its face, could be rescinded at any time. And the department's reasonable concerns about its legality and its general opposition to broad non-enforcement policies provided more than a reasonable basis for ending it," exclaimed Francisco.
The DACA program case is one of the most important and recent cases of the Supreme Court. According to 4 of the Supreme Court's liberal justices, President Trump's administration had not acquired the needed requirements for ceasing the program. The liberal justices also said that there will be terrible consequences for the country's economy and the immigrants if the DACA policy ceases.
The liberal justices did not acquire any support on their statements from the conservatives of the court.
Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. did not express his opinion on the actions of Trump's administration towards the DACA program.
Questioning and oral arguments in the Supreme Court are not predictable and the decision on the case may not arrive immediately as it can take months.
According to Francisco, the administration cannot use the argument that "law made us do it" for ending the DACA program, primarily, because of the approximately 700,000 beneficiaries of the program. The lives of these people are expected to be chaotic as the promise to them to avoid deportation and legal employment status is broken.
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