9 Health Benefits of CBD Oil Proven by Science

There are a lot of benefits to CBD oil. Some claim these benefits have yet to be scientifically proven. Even though many of the studies on CBD rely on animals or small sample sizes, they show promise in how CBD oil can help with a variety of health issues.
Today, we look at nine health benefits that we hear about often and the science that supports them.
Pain Relief
The Journal of Experimental Medicine conducted a study on mice and rats. Specifically for the issue of relieving pain. Their research shows that the animals got relief from chronic inflammation and neuropathic pain. Not only did it ease their pain, but it also proved no analgesic tolerance developed.
In layman's terms, broad-spectrum CBD oil can help relieve chronic pain, and users will not develop a tolerance for it. The longer a person uses opiates to treat their pain, the more of the medication they will require to receive the same effect.
Quitting Addictions
Opiates and cigarettes are the hardest addictions to give up. Opiates leave a person in severe pain during the detoxification. Cigarettes are known to be as addictive as heroin. Many smokers have tried quitting in the past and struggle to stay free of them.
Addictive Behaviors published a study that had astonishing findings. Smokers who were given CBD oil in an inhaler were able to quit smoking sooner. They smoked less as time went by, and their nicotine cravings stopped. Neurotherapeutics also published a study that found opiate addicts could successfully detox while using CBD. With CBD offering other health benefits, it seems appropriate for an addict to adopt CBD into their lives while quitting an addiction.
Fighting Cancer
Cancer is a major killer, and science is continually looking for new treatments and cures. The British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology published a review with evidence of treatment. It found that CBD slows and prevents the spread of cancer.
It stops cancer cell migration, metastasis, and invasion. Aside from the effects on cancer cells, it also helps ease anxiety and digestion issues, which are often prevalent in patients who are going through chemotherapy.
Beat Anxiety
We often hear about the benefits of CBD targeting anxiety. Finally, studies have shown that some anxiety disorders are manageable with CBD. Those disorders include:
● Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
● General anxiety disorder (GAD)
● Panic disorder
● Social anxiety disorder (SAD)
● Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Many of these disorders rely on benzodiazepines for treatment. These medications can become habit-forming. CBD oil can be a better alternative for some patients who are struggling with anxiety.
Slow Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's is a debilitating disease with no cure. Initial research has found that CBD can prevent the social recognition deficit in the patient. Currently, it is useful if Alzheimer's is caught early enough to prevent it. If a person already has a social recognition deficit, CBD is not found to slow the disease any further.
Many of us know that Alzheimer's patients become erratic with their behavior. Their confusion causes stress to a point where they can only lash out. CBD can help ease their anxiety levels to a degree. It's well worth trying to make their lives a little more comfortable with a natural product. However, because of the potential for interactions with prescription medications, always speak to a medical professional before starting a loved one on a CBD oil regimen.
Improve Sleep Disorders
We know CBD helps with anxiety, and it can undoubtedly help with insomnia. Many insomniacs spend most of the night thinking and stress because they aren't sleeping. CBD can relax their body, slow down thinking, and allow them healthy rest.
A study has shown that CBD oil can help with certain types of sleep apnea. CBD oil stimulates the upper airways and keeps them open, much like it will for veins and arteries, allowing a person to draw in deep breaths as they sleep. Studies are still underway. If you decide to use CBD oil for your sleep apnea, please inform your doctor so that they can help track its effectiveness.
Control Acne
A recent study looked at CBD oil and its effect on lipids. The study found CBD oil reduces inflammation. Applying it to the skin reduces the amount of oil the skin produces, thereby making it an effective way to fight acne. CBD oil is an ingredient in many lotions and creams, but you can also apply the oil itself directly on the skin.
Heart Health
A person with high blood pressure is likely to have a stroke, heart attack, and other heart issues. Studies have shown that CBD oil has anti-inflammatory properties. These properties can reduce heart damage and lessen stroke severity.
Another study shows that CBD can lower blood pressure and vascular resistance. Managing blood pressure is one of the most effective ways to protect the heart. CBD oil is a vasorelaxant; this means that arteries and veins dilate to promote circulation. With healthier blood flow, blood pressure can revert to normal.
Manage Diabetes
Hyperglycemia is too much glucose in the blood. It can damage the nerves in your eyes, heart, and kidneys. Studies prove that CBD can be used with a healthy diet and exercise to reduce the chance of hyperglycemia. The earlier you catch hyperglycemia, the better your outcome will be.
Hypoglycemia is not enough glucose in the blood. CBD oil may minimize damage to the heart and to restore metabolic changes in the body. Combined with a healthy diet, it can make diabetes manageable, or it can help your body restore normal functions.
Many CBD studies use animals rather than human participants. Research is still ongoing to help us better understand the human body and how CBD helps. As research grows, we'll start to see more widespread CBD acceptance and use.
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