Can Parcels From China Transmit Coronavirus?

In the midst of the novel coronavirus outbreak, people are scrambling for ways to be safe from this dreaded disease. Safety face masks are selling out in U.S. and Asian countries at a fast rate. In some cases, people have also canceled their orders online for the fear of getting coronavirus.

Since most products sold online are shipped from China, it raises an alarming question for many people: can you contract coronavirus from packages and mailed shipments? To shed light on this question, U.S. health officials informed the public about how the virus can spread.

Can Parcels From China Transmit Coronavirus?

Highly unlikely, so don't panic yet

In a press conference on Monday, Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the Center for Disease Control's Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, explained the 'weak' nature of the virus.

"In general, because of poor survivability of these coronaviruses on surfaces, there is likely very very low risk of spread from products or packaging that are shipped over a period of days or weeks at ambient temperatures."

This was seconded by the CDC's FAQ on their website, which claimed that coronaviruses cannot withstand surfaces, so there's no need to panic. While it can survive once it enters the human body, the virus doesn't stand a chance once exposed to the outside environment.

How coronavirus reacts to sunlight and UV

Similar viruses like MERS and SARS only survive outside for a few hours at most. According to the Denver post, a package shipped from China usually arrives within 3 days at the earliest. This means that by the time you receive the package, the virus will most probably be dead.

In fact, even brief exposure to sunlight or UV rays is already enough to kill the virus. That being said, even if an infected person touched or sneezed on a package, there's very little to no chance at all of ever transmitting it to the receiver.

Can Parcels From China Transmit Coronavirus?

Watch out for direct contact with an infected person

However, the stakes are higher if you are in direct contact with an infected person. The novel coronavirus is mostly passed on via sneezing or coughing. CDC warns people that being two meters away from an infected person can already put you at risk.

In the U.S, five people have already been confirmed with coronavirus. All patients had a travel history from Wuhan, China. In spite of this, CDC believes that the immediate risk for Americans is low as of this moment.

How to keep yourself safe from the virus

As much as possible, avoid contact with anyone infected with this virus. World Health Organization also advised people to look out for warning signs, such as high fever, persistent cough, or trouble breathing.
If you experience any of these symptoms, consult a medical professional immediately. In addition to this, proper hygiene should be observed at all times.

"Regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meat and eggs."

Can Parcels From China Transmit Coronavirus?

In an effort to prevent the virus from spreading, the Chinese government has now banned its citizens from booking flights and tours abroad. As a precautionary measure, international airports from all over the world are also conducting routine checks from passengers coming from China.