Mexican grapes' grower-shippers say that they are expecting to have sufficient supplies during their season despite the growing season's harsh weather, says an article.

According to the owner of Dinuba Keith Wilson, the frost in the early spring caused damage to the earliest sprouting growth. It resulted in more or less 10% to 15% of the overall crop, he added.

Plenty Survived

A lot of grapes were able to survive the rain and the cold. Clients are expected to receive all the products they need for promotions during springtime, says the Director of Hermosillo Juan Laborin. Hermosillo is a Sonora Table Grape Growers Association based in Mexico.

Surviving the Weather

According to Laborin, the weather has been very challenging for crops, but they are in good condition. The plants are seen to have good quality, and in reasonable volumes, Laborin confirms.

In 2020, the total volume is expected to be 20% lower from last year. The total amount for 2020 is 19.7 million while there are 23.7 million last years, says the association in a March 19 report.

The amounts are only preliminary forecasts and are still subject for adjustments during its first shipments out of Mexico, says Laborin.


Almost all of the varieties are forecasted to decline in 2020, says the report. According to the estimate, there are 800,000 boxes of perlettes this year compares to the 1.7 million boxes in 2019. Also, it was forecasted that there are 8.7 million boxes of red seedless this year while there are 10.8 million in 2019. Additionally, mid-green is predicted to be 4.2 million boxes in 2020, while 5.1 million boxes were reported in 2019. Moreover, red globes were estimated to be 300,000 boxes for the year, while 307,000 were reported last year. Furthermore, black was forecasted to be 1.5 million compared to the 1.9 million last year.

The exceptions to the decline are early primes at 2.8 million boxes compared to the 2.6 million last year. The 'others' category is forecasted to be 1.5 million this year while it was reported in 2019 as 1.2 million.

According to Pando Bros. Inc.'s director of special projects, Joh Pandol, there has been a good winter, and it had affected the total production of the crops.

Check these out:

There has been inconsistency in the weather of Hermosillo due to the cooler temperatures and cloudy weather. However, the current long-range outlook is more of a good pattern of the weather for April and May. It is perceived that there will be some early harvest in the first week of May.

Fresh Farm, a part of the Molina Group, perceived a competitive advantage with some of the new production locations in Jalisco.

Vancouver, an Oppenheimer Group, based in British Columbia, is seeing an early start in May. This will be an earlier period than a year ago, says the director of domestic grapes and sales manager Marc Serpa.

The first Hermosillo grapes are expected to be shipped on May 10, says Laborin.