Rose McGowan, a #MeToo activist and actress, described Democrats and the media as a 'cult.' Additionally, she said it was deeper than a cover-up. She is referring many of the elite press and the Democrats making laws who have rejected the allegations Tara Reade made. Tara Reade is a former Senate staff who claimed that she was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden almost 30 years ago, says an article.

Losing Faith

According to a letter from Rose McGowan, she was once proud to be a Democrat. Additionally, she was raised as a proud Democrat. Also, she said that she would have willingly given her life for her country and its ideals.

Growing up, McGowan was always told that the Democrats are the good guys. Also, she shared that their daily papers were the Washington Post and New York Times. Additionally, she shared that she and her family enjoyed listing to 'All Things Considered.' Furthermore, her family loved to make conversation about their admiration for the voice of Ira Glass. However, she said that now that she knows too much, she felt a sense of loss.

Who are the Real Bad Guys?

According to McGowan, the Republicans are the ones who were being portrayed as the bad guys. In the past, she said that she had always seen them as a cult. However, she has now realized that the Democrats and the media are more cultlike than anyone.

She is saddened by the many cover-ups and the number of deaths throughout the country.

Call to End Campaign

McGowan's letter was sent after she asked Joe Biden to stop his presidential campaign for this year's election over the allegations brought up by Reade.

On a tweet made on Saturday, McGowan asked Americans to use social media as their voice to tweet for Joe Biden to end his campaign for the U.S. presidency.

The Allegations

The allegations made by Tara Reade about Joe Biden sexually assaulting her in 1993 received a boost when a segment from CNN re-emerged. It showed the mother of Reade expressing the traumatizing experience of her daughter while at work. According to Reade, she had told her mother about the alleged sexual assault incident with Biden shortly after it occurred. Biden denies the sexual assault claim.

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A Clearer Picture and McGowan's Voice

McGowan was angered to observe "favoritism" in the New York Times when covering politics. As the sexual assault claims against Biden become clearer, McGowan's voice against Democrats, the media, and feminist organizations is growing louder.

The latest letter of McGowan came a day after Hilary Clinton had endorsed Joe Biden's campaign for the presidency in the United States. It came weeks after the former U.S. President Barack Obama's endorsement. This means that McGowan is still at the beginning of expressing her mind and new ideas.