According to an article, Jesús Enrique Alcocer Basto stated that the preparations for the hurricane season in Yucatan are under process. Basto is the director of the State Civil Protection Coordination, also known as Procivy. Also, the government had advised the public to prepare for hurricane regardless of any forecast.

Accessible Information for the Public

According to Basto, Yucatan possesses an Atlas of Natural Hazards that are updated frequently. This is an interactive tool that the public is allowed to use. Additionally, there is a permanent communication network with different municipalities in Yukatan. The Municipal Civil Protection Coordination Offices are tasked to serve communities in the municipality and inspect the procedures and services to the public.

The Names of Tropical Cyclones to Hit This Year

The tropical storms that will hit the Atlantic Ocean in 2020 will be given names such as Arthur, Bertha, Cristobal, Dolly, Edouard, Fay, Gonzalo, Hanna, Isaias, Josephine, Kyle, Laura, Marco, Nana, Omar, Paulette, Rene, Sally, Teddy, Vicky, and Wilfred, said an article.

According to an article, Hurricanes are named by the World Meteorological Organization. The names of the storm are given in alphabetical order. This means that the first storm to occur during the year will be given a name that starts will the letter 'A,' and the next one will be named with a name that begins with a letter 'B' and so on.

Hurricane vs. Typhoon

Hurricane and typhoons are the same natural phenomenon that is referred to as a tropical cyclone, says an article. A tropical cyclone is a meteorology term that means a spinning system of clouds and thunderstorms that came from tropical bodies of water with circulations of low-levels.

What is a Hurricane?

Hurricanes are big rotating storms that are capable of damaging trees and buildings, says NASA.

Sometimes, hurricanes can hit land. When it hit land, it also brings water from to ocean to the shore. This phenomenon sometimes results in flooding.

According to NASA, once a hurricane is formed, weather forecasters can create predictions on the path of the storm. These forecasts help people prepare for the arrival of a storm in their area.

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Parts of a Hurricane

According to an article, the parts of a hurricane include the eye, eyewall, rainbands, height, and diameter.

The eye is the center of the hurricane. The most dangerous part of a hurricane is the eyewall. The eyewall contains the strongest winds in the hurricane.

The Rainbands of a hurricane are the area in a tropical storm where a massive volume of rain is observed. This part of a tropical cyclone normally causes the flooding of some land areas.

The diameter of the hurricane can transform into large storms. The diameters of storms can reach more than 600 miles. The clouds that affect the intensity of hurricanes can be affected by the height of storm clouds.