A Texas high school principal traveled 1,500 miles in 10 days to personally congratulate his 240 seniors at their home, according to a recently published article.

Traditional Graduation Ceremony

Many students today cannot celebrate the traditional high school graduation rites due to the global pandemic. Social or mass gatherings are still not allowed to avoid virus contagion that infected millions of people around the globe.

The graduation ceremony is a symbol of students' years of hard work and perseverance. This is traditionally celebrated in public with families and friends. However, global pandemic changes how it is celebrated.

However, the pandemic did not stop a high school principal from Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Texas to deprive his students with their graduation due to COVID-19.

A Texas High School Principal Personally Handed Diplomas

Scott Rudes, the school principal, traveled 1,500 miles in 10 days and covering 65 hours just to personally hand out the diplomas to his 240 students. Videos and images of his selfless love to his students even became viral in different social media account.

In a recently published article, he said: "One of our core values at our school is to ignite joy. And that is what I saw on the faces of my seniors and their families. Just a few minutes of joy in the midst of all this uncertainty."

He also added: "I think it started with the fact that I am the father of a senior and I feel it. I feel the anguish and the sadness over missing out on a lot of activities at the end of the year. So this was my opportunity to connect with each and every one of them."

A Tough Task for the School Principal Was Made Easy Because of His Love

It is very rare in these tough times where a school principal travel long roads in days just to personally give the diplomas that show the perseverance and hard work of students. It is also very rare to see a school principal showing his selfless love.

Traveling more than 1,500 miles using his own vehicle is not a joke. It entails not just expenses for his travel but also includes putting himself at risk for the virus infection. But, Rudes proved that COVID-19 will not stop his love for his students.

He also said: "Whatever presents in life, find the opportunity with that and run with it. That's one of the things I think we do best at a school like ours with artists, to teach them to view the world from multiple perspectives and to be creative and expressive. I think that's what gets them through the hard times."

It is a common knowledge to everyone that teachers are the second parents of students. A teacher's love is not only inclusive inside the school but most of the time has to go out. Before the global pandemic hits the world, teachers usually visit students' houses to better know them.

There are many things everyone should understand about the students. They may look happy outside but may be filled with sadness inside. The Texas high school principal manifested teachers and administrators must do in this time of the pandemic. This is one of the good things that happened during this pandemic.