A beloved and well-known Mexican comic, Hector Suarez, has reportedly passed away at 81. The actor-director was known for celebrating the common people and satirizing the rich and corrupt.

Hector Suarez Gomis, the comic's son, confirmed the news of the death of his father in an official statement on Tuesday.

Mexico's Culture Department shared a post where they celebrated the legendary actor as a pioneer. Eugenio Derbez, a highly-acclaimed Mexican actor, comedian, and filmmaker, posted a tribute on his Twitter account that featured some moments he and Suarez acted together on screen.

The Mexican Legend

Hector Suarez Hernandez was born in Mexico City on October 21, 1938. He began a career as an actor when he featured in a 1962 TV series, Un Hijo Cayo del Cielo or A Son Fell From the Sky.

Suarez quickly made a name for himself after showcasing his spontaneous, dark humor that his audience found timely and relatable. His comedy sketches delivered biting commentary on political and societal issues, such as poverty, corruption, and decaying values. His political parodies took life during the time when satirical sketches were unpopular and the country was under an authoritarian government.

In the 1983 movie El Milusos or The Thousand Uses, he played the role of a desperate and ragged proletarian. He also starred in television shows including ¿Qué nos pasa? Or What's Happening to Us?

Suarez was unafraid to swear. Using his rough and scratchy voice, he gave a voice to the harder side of life experienced by Mexico's poor. He also modulated his words to imitate several politicians.

The Mexican comic acted in over a hundred telenovelas, soap operas, and films in the span of his 60 years in the entertainment industry. His roles earned him multiple awards, including a prestigious recognition given out by the nation's association of journalists and filmmakers, PECIME.


Hector Suarez became the first Latin American comedian to be "roasted" by other celebrities. He starred in Comedy Central Latin America when the show brought the iconic "Roast" franchise to Mexico in 2013.

In September 2015, the actor was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Despite his illness, the comic continued working. Suarez underwent multiple surgeries to stop cancer from spreading. He also received chemotherapy.

Four years after the diagnosis, Gomis, the actor's son, asked for blood donations as before his father proceeded with another surgery where the comic's bladder and prostate would be removed. According to his son, Suarez developed anemia after he began losing blood through his urine.

Suarez's cancer never spread beyond the bladder. Weeks later, his son announced a successful operation. He revealed the actor will begin fine-tuning details of his new program: There goes the coup!

A month after the actor left the hospital, he appeared in an interview where he claimed he was no longer afraid of death. He also revealed asking forgiveness from him body after he chose to postpone his surgery for a long time.

Suarez is survived by his wife and four children.

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