Due to the threats of the transmission of the novel coronavirus, many companies including large-scale businesses had permitted their employees to bring home their work. Large tech businesses like Facebook, Google, and Twitter had made recent announcements for their staff who are working from home.

According to an article, Google had given the go-signal to its employees whose nature of work can be done remotely to work from home until the end of the year.

Also, Twitter had allowed its employees to work remotely for an indefinite period due to the health risk brought by SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, says an article.

In an article, it was revealed that Facebook will be shifting a new working arrangement for its employees to remote working arrangements in the next five to ten years. In May, the company had its job openings with recruits having the option to work remotely, according to the article.

Furthermore, an article revealed that Zoom Video Communications had reported a 169 percent growth due to the increasing number of people doing work remotely and communicating with workmates through video conferences and other digital means.

There may be some people who see working from home as an advantageous work arrangement. However, some ways make working from home disadvantageous to someone's mental health. Based on an article, employees who work from home tend to suffer from depression.

We cannot change anything yet as an official vaccine or cure to the deadly novel coronavirus is still inexistent. Many companies may be shifting too to this kind of work arrangement and many people may also be asked by their employers to work from home. To fight the possible side mental health side effects of working from home, here are some tips to take note:

Make a Routine and Include Relaxing or Breaks in the Routine

A shift from working in an office with many co-workers to talk with to the confines of the four walls of your home can be a challenging task. Changes can result in people needing to make adjustments. However, do not get demotivated to work.

Set up a routine or a plan of your daily activities to keep you productive and going throughout the working hours. Also, it helps you to have a specific time when you will start your day.

Furthermore, you should include in the routine a time for breaks such as for light exercise and short relaxation periods to get you motivated to finish your daily tasks.

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Do not Forget The Importance of Communication

Calling your co-workers for a few minutes of friendly conversations will not hurt your productivity for the day. Also, it keeps you happy and motivated that you have people who share the same situations as you. You can share the experiences you have with doing work remotely.

Separate Work From Personal Life

Although it may be difficult, you should set up a separate work office area in your home, according to an article. It helps you have a separate space for your personal life and work. It can keep you motivated to work while still keeping your personal life unaffected after bringing home your work.