Five Reasons To Rethink Circumcision for Your Son

Why on earth would anyone subject a newborn to the excruciating pain of circumcision? I mean, each time I try to make sense of it, I just can't seem to understand it.
Well, I guess that explains why we're humans, after all - a creature of habit. We do things not because we're sure it's right, but simply because it's a rite of passage - the way it's done.
But wait a minute, has it ever occurred to you that perhaps it might be bad for your son to bring him under the knife at such a tender age?
This article is for those parents who haven't explored the reality of circumcision. Perhaps by reading the few blocks of texts we have in this post, you might rethink your decision to have your soon-to-be son circumcised.
Nature doesn't make mistakes
Do you think it was a mistake that God or source energy - or whatever you believe created your baby - created the penis with the foreskin intact? Of course not!
Every boy was created with a foreskin because that's what their penis needs to function the best. Is the surgical removal necessary of that skin which protects the tip of the penis? Ask yourself, why would Mother Nature give your baby a perfect set of 10 fingers, two legs, two eyes, and two nostrils, only to give him a foreskin, part of what he needs to procreate with?
Ask yourself, why would Mother Nature give your baby a perfect set of 10 fingers, two legs, two eyes, and two nostrils, only to mess up the one part he needs to procreate?
If you won't change how his fingers look because you believe that's how nature wants it, you shouldn't change the way his penis looks just because society demands it.
Circumcision inhibits sexual pleasure
I know every parent wants the best for their kids, and that includes not hindering their ability to enjoy sex later in life. Unfortunately, when you circumcise your boy, you're doing just the opposite of that.
Not too long ago, a study in BJU International revealed that the foreskin is the most sensitive part of the penis, with specialized nerves directly linked to the pleasure centers in the brain. When you cut it off, what you're simply doing is reducing your little boy's chances of enjoying sex later in life.
I'm sure you don't want to do that!
Circumcision is excruciatingly painful
I don't know what you've heard about babies and pains, but babies experience pains just like adults according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. But the reason why most parents go along with the process is because they have no idea what the pain of circumcision truly feel like.
To help you better understand it, let me get into the details briefly.
Imagine yourself being tied down spread eagle with bound hands and legs in a cruel contraption called a circumstraint. Then someone tears the foreskin from the glans (the head of your penis) to separate the two. That alone is comparable to pulling a fingernail off a nail bed. Then this person attaches a circumcision clamp to crush the foreskin. This act gets the blood to clot in order to prevent hemorrhage. Finally, the crushed, flayed foreskin is amputated from the penis which finally concludes the twenty minute ordeal.
While the complication rate might be low, nothing can be compared with the excruciating pain that follows. This is the sort of pain the newest member of your family feels anytime you ask the doctor to circumcise him.
Circumcision permanently alters the child's brain
A study revealed that infants circumcised without anesthesia have higher pain responses to vaccines at ages 4 and 6 months than infants who have at least a topical anesthesia, and much higher than those who were not circumcised at all.
Another study that examined the MRI images of a newborn before and after circumcision revealed permanent damage to the infant's brain setup. Among the brain's portions most affected include those areas associated with reasoning, emotions, pains, and perceptions.
A child cannot give consent
The last and the most important reason why every parent should rethink their decision to circumcise their sons is because infants cannot give consent. You're simply doing it against his will and knowledge!
Remember, it's his body. Therefore, whatever is going to happen to it should be his decision alone. By going ahead to circumcise him without his consent, you're simply abusing his rights. And I'm sure you don't want to do that.
If circumcision is really that good and important, wait until he's man enough to decide whether or not he wants it. The fact that the society wants you to do it while he's still an infant should tell you that they know no man in his right mind would subscribe to such a barbaric idea.
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