Trump Considering $2.2 Trillion Stimulus Package Before Election
Pres. Donald Trump said during Rush Limbaugh's radio show on Friday that he prefers to offer a stimulus package that is bigger than the initial offer of Democrats and Republicans.

Pres. Donald Tump is now considering offering more than $2.2 trillion stimulus package three weeks before the election. During a radio show on Friday, he said that prefers an amount that is larger than what Democrats and Republican lawmakers offer.
If there is one person in the country who wants to send $1,200 direct stimulus checks and other relief measures, it is Pres. Donald Trump. He has always been pushing for a new round of stimulus package since the CARES Act expired.
Trump wants to make sure that millions of Americans who continue to suffer from the economic devastation of the global pandemic will have the financial aid or assistance they need. He said multiple times that he will immediately approve any bill that is related to the relief aids.
The president's top priorities are $1,200 direct stimulus checks, enhanced federal unemployment benefits, and small business loans, according to a published report in Forbes. In fact, Pres. Trump's top negotiators Steven Mnuchin and Mark Meadows have been in a series of discussion with Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Mark Schumer.
Moreover, Pres. Trump said during a radio interview, "I would like to see a bigger stimulus package, frankly, than either the Democrats or the Republicans are offering." This just means that the president is now considering offering a bigger amount.
The amount could go more than $2.2 trillion, the latest offer of the Democratic Party. Additionally, Pres. Trump wants to sign the stimulus package before the election even though he was already told that another round of stimulus aid will not help his bid. The president's pure intention is just to help millions of Americans to stay afloat amid the pandemic.
If there is one thing also that both parties agreed to send immediately, that is the $1,200 stimulus checks. Pres. Trump urged Congress last month to release the $300 billion unspent budget and send it as stimulus checks. However, the Democratic lawmakers want to include the checks in the new stimulus package.
On the other hand, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may want a stimulus deal, but she is willing to wait until it's the right deal. That can have a good or bad outcome. She could agree to a higher stimulus deal now, but she wants more federal funding for her policy priorities.
Meanwhile, if ever Pelosi will reject the new proposed budget of the White House Republicans, she and other members of the Dems may take the blame for delaying the relief aids. Republicans will blame them for putting politics ahead of helping the American people.
It can be recounted that Democratic top negotiator Nancy Pelosi has rejected a series of stimulus proposals from Trump's administration. She insisted on a higher amount, but now that Trump is open to a larger amount, let us see what will happen next.
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