How to Properly Disinfect Phone Against the Virus?
The phone is one of the most frequently touched objects. Thus, it needs to be disinfected from time to time to ensure that you are protected against the virus.

It has become known that COVID-19 is highly transmissible, and the virus responsible for this can be transmitted from an object with a droplet from a person who contracted the virus.
That is the reason why handwashing is very important. However, handwashing would become useless if you will not disinfect your phone.
You might not know that you left your phone somewhere else, then suddenly someone coughs and sneeze. In this time of the global pandemic, you have to think like an epidemiologist.
According to a published study, Americans checked and touched their phones nearly 100 times every 10 minutes every day or an average of 2,617 times every day. It means that there is really a great chance that your phone could catch germs and viruses.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that handwashing is still one of the best measures against the infectious and deadly COVID-19.
Since our phone seems to be our third hand, it means that failing to disinfect it would give an enormous problem. But many of us still do not know how to disinfect phones properly.
Of course, you cannot run your phone or disinfect it using soapy water more than 10 times a day. Not unless you use a Cat S42 that's worth $300 that you can use so you can run your phone in hot soapy water.
Even though the Cat S42 will help you disinfect your phone, this will limit your gadgets' capacity, such as taking photos and videos, gaming, video streaming, and more specs that we love in our high-end smartphones.
We have to realize that health is our top priority amid the pandemic. If you do not have the budget to buy a Cat S42 for your phone, there is an effortless way to disinfect your gadgets.
Just spray 70 percent Isopropyl alcohol in a soft microfiber cloth and gently touch it to your screens, phone case, earbuds, gaming controls, and more.
According to a published article of USA Today, Apple updated its guidelines and suggested using Clorox disinfecting wipes to ensure that its buyers can quickly disinfect their phones and cannot get the virus.
All gadget makers and sellers also advised their consumers not to use bleach, paper towels, or anything abrasive on their phones and should unplug all external power sources, cables, and devices.
They added not to spray anything directly to the device and must be extra careful not to put any moisture in any openings.
It has been proven that the virus that is responsible for COVID-19 can be transmitted easily. It is for this reason that you have to disinfect your phone every day.
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