Your Guide To Low Income Internet Solutions

The Internet is vital to everyday life just as much as our electricity, gas and water. We use our connections to work from home, learn remotely, for entertainment and to keep in touch with loved ones.
Unfortunately, internet costs aren't decreasing, but if you're strapped for cash and high speed internet service seems out of the question; don't give up hope. There are low-income internet programs and plans out there that can help you pay for an affordable internet service at home. You just need to know where to look and qualify for them. That's why we've put this guide together, to help everyone who needs it to find low-income internet. Here's everything you need to know about low-income internet and what possible solutions are out there for your family.
Emergency Broadband Benefit Program
The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program provides eligible low-income households with $50 a month off their internet bill and $75 a month for those living on tribal lands. In addition to the bill discount, all qualifying participants of the program will also receive a $100 discount on a computer or tablet if they contribute more than $10 and less than $50 towards the purchase price of the device.
How To Qualify For The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program
There's many ways households can qualify for the Emergency Broadband Benefit including:
● Your household currently participates in a low income or pandemic relief program offered by a local internet provider
● Your household is a current Lifeline subscriber
● Someone in your household receives Medicaid benefits
● Someone in your household receives Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits
● Someone in your household receives the Pell grant
● You have lost your job
How To Apply To The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program
To apply to the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program, eligible households need to apply to the program and contact a local participating provider that services your address. It's unknown how long this program will run, so apply now before funding runs out.
Lifeline Program
Lifeline provides qualifying households a discount of $9.25 per month for home phone or internet service. Unfortunately the discount isn't for both services and is only limited to one discount per household.
There's two ways to qualify for Lifeline; based on income if your income is 135% or less than the federal poverty guidelines or someone in your household needs to participate in the following federal assistance programs:
● Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
● Medicaid
● Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
● Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA)
● Veterans Pension and Survivors Benefit
● Tribal Programs (and live on federally-recognized Tribal lands)
How To Qualify For The Lifeline Program
If you do not receive benefits from any of these government programs, you may still qualify with your income alone. Lifeline determines income eligibility by those who have an income at or below 135% of the federal poverty guidelines. If this sounds like you, you'll have to show proof of your income by:
● Paycheck stubs
● Income statement from employer
● Social Security statement of benefits
● Divorce decree, child support award or other similar official documents containing your income information
● State, federal or Tribal tax return from last year
● Proof of unemployment or Workers Compensation benefits
● Federal or Tribal letter of participation in General Assistance
How To Apply To The Lifeline Program
To apply to the Lifeline Program, eligible households need to apply to the program online or by mail and then contact a local phone or internet provider that services your address.
Low Income Internet Programs Through Local Internet Providers
Internet service providers also offer their own low income assistance programs to provide affordable internet access to households within their coverage area. Eligibility requirements will vary per provider, but most will accept households under income requirements or current participation in government assistance programs. Unfortunately many internet providers also require that you have to be a new customer and cannot have any outstanding bills with them.
Internet Provider | Internet Speeds | Monthly Cost |
Allo Communications | 50 Mbps | $10 a month |
AT&T | 10 Mbps | $10 a month |
Bend Broadband | 25 Mbps | $9.95 a month |
Charter Spectrum | 30 Mbps | $14.95 a month |
Comcast Xfinity | 15 Mbps | $9.95 a month |
Cox Communications | 15 Mbps | $9.95 a month |
Mediacom | 25 Mbps | $9.95 a month |
Optimum | 30 Mbps | $14.95 a month |
Suddenlink | 30 Mbps | $14.95 a month |
You can choose a provider sponsored low-income internet plan or you can go through a federal program like Lifeline or the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program. No matter which route you choose, you'll ultimately need to make sure the provider you're interested in participates in the program you want and services your home.
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