Go Retro For Cool Summertime Treats

With temperatures in triple digits, it's time to look for ways to stay cool. If you're full up on high-tech gadgets for the summer, don't despair. It's entirely possible to stay cool with low-tech, even when the weather is toasty.
It's time to turn your sights to 7 awesome retro ways to stay cool.
1. Choose Water
Water is the easiest and most fun way to stay cool. If you or someone you are near is overheating, look for ways to use water to keep cool.
Some of the top choices don't require any high-tech gadgets.
1. Plunge in a cold pool or bathtub.
2. Spray with a garden hose
3. Run through a garden sprinkler.
4. Sponge down with cool water.
5. Take a cool shower.
A lot of people learned tricks for cooling down with water, as children. Here's a sample:
Tom's Bavarian mom always stuck her feet in a tub of cold water. "It works!" was her favorite line. As a child, he thought it was foolish. But as an adult, he relies on this very method when the temperatures soar.
Sara's Russian mom put ice cubes in the bathtub and left the water in all day. A trough of cold water is sure to beat the heat.
Laura's Texan dad kept the sprinkler running full blast. All the kids in the neighborhood came by to cool off. Today, Laura's children are squealing and giggling - enjoying doing the same thing.
What water tricks did you learn as a youngster? They will come in handy for staying cool this summer.
2. Cool Off With Music
Music is a great way to beat the summer heat. With a turntable and vinyl records, you can select the best tunes for your mood. Records offer tremendous options in terms of musical genres. You can find the ones that offer calm, cooling, and soothing effects.
If the temperatures cool off in the day, have a playlist handy for dance tunes and upbeat sounds as the breeze stars up. Additionally, if your apartment or home has a porch, set up a turntable and a selection of records on the porch. You can combine listening to music with enjoying a cooling breeze at dusk.
3. Enjoy The Shade of Trees
What did people do before air conditioning? They sought out the shade of trees. You can often find old photos of people under trees during the summer. They are napping, resting, and recovering in the comfort of the shade.
Fortunately, we often live near parks and lakes that have trees. Find the ones in your area, so you'll be ready for a shady picnic or relaxing time outdoors.
4. Indulge in Ice Cream
Who doesn't have memories of eating ice cream in the summer? If it's been too long, get familiar with your local neighborhood parlors. You may find food trucks and local establishments serving up homemade gelatos, ice creams, and sorbets.
If you have the inclination, you can make ice cream, popsicles, and sorbets right in your own kitchen. You don't have to crank by hand anymore - unless you want to. Instead, you can find ice cream machines to fit just about any budget.
There's a tremendous satisfaction in making your own frozen treats. It's an activity that you can do with young children, as well as adolescents. If your friends or family want to join in, it's an activity for all ages. Just about everyone can find some piece of the action to get involved with.
If it's a particularly hot time, you may want to pick up some store bought ice cream - just to have on hand. While it's not truly rustic, it is a relief to know that you have a treat in the freezer, just in case.
5. Refresh with Cooling Mist
Get a plastic bottle with a misting nozzle and fill it with water. Put one or more in the refrigerator. This is the fastest way to plan ahead. Have a cooling mist on hand, for the moment when you really need it.
6. Restore with Cooling Melon
Get a watermelon and put it in the refrigerator. When you're too hot to think, grab a slice and enjoy the cooling feeling.
7. Prepare for No-Cook Meals
Get a menu plan lined up. Pick items that are easy to prepare, preferably without any stovetop or oven cooking. If you're short on recipe ideas, ask friends and family for their favorites.
How do you enjoy keeping cool in the summer heat?
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