Getting an education online isn't a new concept. However, buzz words like "distance learning" and "virtual courses" were pushed into the spotlight during the height of the pandemic. Public and private school districts, colleges, universities, and professional education entities turned to tech devices and digital platforms to provide an authentic experience for students. 

This shift to virtual channels wasn't an easy transition, but its advantages during such a life-altering change have sparked increased enrollment in online studies. Here's a look at some of those benefits. 

Health And Safety

Despite the development and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, the threat to health and safety isn't over. New variants are developing, causing waves of mass illness, hospitalizations, and even death. Not to mention, there's still a large number of citizens that haven't gotten vaccinated. Attending virtual college reduces the risk to student health and safety. Both vaccinated, and unvaccinated students have the option to complete their courses and degree programs in a safe environment. 

Better Career Opportunities

The global health crisis left millions without jobs, while others were pushed to the limit. As a result, people started looking for more secure positions and lucrative career paths. Ultimately, getting into these positions would require an investment in their education. Instead of quitting their jobs and going back to school, opportunities like an online architecture degree enable adults to get a better education while balancing home and work. These degree programs would then open the doors to opportunities for better careers.


Online colleges and courses are easily accessible to students no matter where they reside. As some countries and states are high-risk areas, traveling is restricted. Ultimately, someone from out of state or in another country may have a difficult time attending in-person classes as the pandemic continues. Virtual classrooms, however, make it possible for students to access course materials, lectures, and other resources without complication. 

Flexibility And Convenience

While the world is trying desperately to return to "normal," many people's lives have been forever transformed by the pandemic. From working multiple jobs and longer hours to managing hybrid and distance learning for their children, everyday life has changed for the average American. As a result, they need educational opportunities that are both convenient and flexible. Online college programs provide a practical solution. Adults that are interested in getting a higher education can do so while still juggling home life, work, and other personal engagements. 


Obtaining a college education has always been expensive, but the pandemic has made the cost of learning even more challenging. With limited budgets and multiple financial obligations, the average adult doesn't have the means to get a degree. Between tuition and transportation to school supplies and other associated fees, it's too much to handle. 

Fortunately, getting a degree online is more affordable. Colleges don't have the same overhead and can, therefore, provide savings to their students. Not to mention, students have fewer responsibilities to worry about, like transportation or paying for physical books. 

Easier Learning

Not all students thrive in in-person learning environments. Some suffer from social anxieties and academic challenges that make it challenging for them to interact, engage, and participate in their studies. Not to mention, traditional classrooms and large class sizes leave little room for teacher-student or peer-to-peer interaction. 

Online colleges resolve these problems by providing a different experience. With platforms that support both synchronous and asynchronous studies, students have a better time comprehending, participating, and fully grasping subject matters. 

Distance learning and online college programs became a necessity at the height of the pandemic. It enabled adults in the US and around the world to pursue higher education despite the many changes to everyday life. As the advantages of attending online universities continued to evolve, enrollment in educational programs worldwide increased. Even as the world strives to regain some sense of normalcy, it appears that online learning is a trend that won't be going away anytime soon.