Scott Peterson Resentenced to Life Imprisonment Over 2002 Murder of Wife Laci Peterson

Scott Peterson was resentenced on Wednesday to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the murder of his pregnant wife Laci Peterson and their unborn son, Conner.
The judge has sentenced Peterson to 15 years to life in prison for the death of Conner, with the sentences running concurrently, according to an NBC News report.
The California Supreme Court ruled a year ago that Peterson's jury was improperly screened for bias against the death penalty. Peterson's defense lawyers claimed that Juror 7 had kept the details of her personal life that could have been a conflict during his initial trial.
The juror, named Richelle Nice, is accused of "prejudicial misconduct" for not disclosing that she was the victim of domestic violence and had sought a restraining order in 2000 for fears that her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend would be a threat to her unborn baby.
Meanwhile, Nice has denied that she was influenced by her experiences with domestic abuse. She has co-written a book about the case with other jurors.
A hearing on juror misconduct allegations is set to take place in late February.
Scott Peterson Resentenced
Laci's mother, Sharon Rocha, addressed Peterson directly as he sat "expressionless" during the resentencing of his case. Rocha told Peterson that 19 years ago, he was in the midst of "planning Laci's murder," according to an Associated Press News report.
Rocha went on to say that Peterson's "evil, self-centered, and unforgivable" act had taken the souls of her daughter and grandson.
Laci's mother called Peterson a coward, adding that he did not have any other reason to kill them other than that he did not want them anymore.
Rocha recounted putting her hand on Laci to feel the baby moving weeks before she was killed. She said that Laci told her Peterson does not want to "feel the baby move," according to a San Francisco Gate report.
Peterson had reportedly prepared a statement to read in court. However, Superior Court Judge Anne-Christine Massullo said it would not be allowed.
Peterson's attorney, Pat Harris, and Stanislaus County Assistant District Attorney Dave Harris had argued during Peterson's pre-sentencing probation report. However, it was not made public.
The prosecutor said that in it, Peterson was claiming he was wrongfully convicted and that he is innocent.
Meanwhile, Peterson's defense attorney accused prosecutors of "insinuation" and taking incidents out of context. He said that when Peterson lied, it was to hide his extramarital affair as he knew it would derail any further investigation.
Laci Peterson's Murder
Laci disappeared on Christmas Eve 2002, and Peterson had left the day to go fishing at the Berkeley Marina.
Peterson came under suspicion immediately. Detectives noted that he seemed far too calm for a man whose pregnant wife had suddenly disappeared.
A passerby found the bodies of Laci and the fetus of her son Conner washed up on the shoreline near Richmond in April 2003.
Their remains were badly decomposed from time in the water, and the cause of death was never determined.
Police had arrested Peterson a few days later and found he had dyed his hair blond and filled his car with survival gear, with a $15,000 in cash on hand.
A massage therapist in Fresno, Amber Frey, told police that they had started dating a month before his wife's death. However, she claimed Peterson told her that his wife was dead.
This article is owned by Latin Post.
Written by: Mary Webber
WATCH: Scott Peterson Returning To San Mateo County Courtroom Wednesday For Re-Sentencing - from KPIX CBS SF Bay Area
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