SNAP Benefits 2022: Where Can You Use Your Food Stamps Payments Aside from Walmart and Target?

SNAP benefits 2022 is a program that helps around 41.5 million Americans get nutritious meals in their household as long as they are considered eligible for the program.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities noted that determining an individual or a household's eligibility depends on their gross monthly income, net income, and assets.
SNAP benefits count cash income from all sources, including earned income and unearned income, such as cash assistance, Social Security, unemployment insurance, and child support.
However, some people are not eligible for SNAP despite their income or assets. These individuals are those who are on strike, people without a documented immigration status, some students attending college more than half-time, and some immigrants who are lawfully present.
Meanwhile, unemployed adults aged 18 to 49 without children and who do not have disabilities are limited to three months of SNAP benefits every three years in certain areas of the country.
SNAP Benefits Payments Accepted
Many participating stores and major retailers accept food stamps as a form of payment when it comes to buying goods.
Go Banking Rates reported that almost all supermarkets and fast-food chains take food stamps, depending on the state SNAP benefits recipients are located in.
Aside from Walmart and Target, there is a lot of chains of grocery stores that also accept food stamps.
Julie Ramhold, a consumer analyst, noted that Costco accepts food stamps, where customers will be able to find "tons of foods in bulk from staples," including rice and pasta to breakfast foods, and dairy among others.
Ramhold said families receiving food stamps may receive a limited amount, which could drain the benefits when stopping at a warehouse club. Regardless, Costco would still accept SNAP benefits payments.
Trader Joe's also accepts food stamps, with more organic produce and better choices for standards like cereal, frozen foods, snack bars, and juice, among others.
Convenience stores also accept SNAP benefits payments, but they can differ in various areas. Convenience stores usually have a small selection of dairy products and some pantry staples as well.
A shopping assistant at Mealfan, Shawn Tia, said Instacart also accepts food stamps, allowing customers to purchase non-carbonated juice, soy products, pasta, rice, and tofu, among others.
Amazon also accepts SNAP benefits payments as long as the products qualify under the eligible items for SNAP program.
Famers' markets also have some programs that double the amount of money you can spend. However, not all farmers' markets have the program, depending on the state.
SNAP Benefits 2022
The maximum benefits for SNAP benefits in 2022 changed in the 48 states and D.C., increasing it to $835 for a family of four.
In Alaska, the maximum allotment range from $1,074 to $1,667, as reported by Yahoo Finance.
Meanwhile, the maximum allotment for Hawaii is $1,573; $1,231 for Guam; and $1,074 for U.S. Virgin Islands.
The 48 states and D.C. will have an increase in the minimum benefit by up to $20 and will also increase in Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, and U.S. Virgin Islands.
This article is owned by Latin Post.
Written by: Mary Webber
WATCH: REBOUND Walmart customers and SNAP benefits - from KRIS 6 News
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